Camp Transformation and Resilience Building Specialist




Tile: Camp Transformation and Resilience Building Specialist to Support Resilience Building in Selected Base Commands (BC) of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)


Project Title: Recovery and Resilience Building in the Philippines


Project Description

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and disasters. Mindanao in particular, is most sensitive to El Nino phenomenon, which has suffered from severe drought events, the most recent of which was in 2016.  Medium scale climate projections for the Philippines indicate increases in annual mean temperatures ranging from 0.90C to 1.10 C in the 2020s and 1.80C to 2.20C in the 2050s; with declining rainfall over Mindanao during the wet season (June to December)[1].

Local flooding events are also rampant, on account of deforestation and uncontrolled land use change in major watersheds and river basins.

The presence of Lanao Fault system and Cotabato trench, makes the region exposed to earthquakes.  The devastating earthquake in Cotabato in 2019 resulted in major damages and displacement of the population. As of June 2020, some 14,758 families have not returned to their homes and/or not able to have access to permanent shelters.


As the subject of protracted conflicts between revolutionary groups and state forces as well as those of intra-Moro groups/clans, the region has also experienced multitude of internal displacements, outward migration, and land conflicts. These interrelated issues have placed significant challenges in enabling the region to recover better, faster and in a more inclusive manner from disasters caused by extreme climate events; violence; and pockets of armed conflict. Violence and disasters result in displacement; in turn and/or as a result, aggravates land conflicts. These factors likewise affect the way natural resources are managed. There is a risk that many years of conflict and delays in socio economic support could lead to significant natural resources loss, such as excessive harvesting of resources, and uncontrolled land use conversion. In turn, these could compromise the region’s natural resilience, and could lead to greater damages from the impacts of climate change and disasters. The absence of clear public land tenure policies and regulations over vast areas, particularly those claimed as part of the territorial and operational jurisdiction of revolutionary groups, could also lead to conflicts and resource use rights. The open access conditions encouraged in such set-up could lead to long term devastating consequences for the region and its people.


There is great potential though to ride on the gains from the peace process between the Government of the Philippines and the MILF. Parallel to the political track of ratifying the Bangsamoro Organic Law and formally establishing the new Bangsamoro government, the normalization process also made significant strides with the second phase decommissioning of MILF combatants. The Joint Normalization Committee has also taken the initiative to expand the transformation process of six previously-acknowledged MILF camps into peaceful and productive communities to now include the other BCs outside these camps. This period is therefore an opportune time to strengthen partnership with stakeholders in the base commands for them to take on greater responsibility for development planning, sustainable management of natural resources, address land conflicts, and adopt a risk-based approach to local development. By addressing these interrelated issues in a participatory manner, the prospect of inclusive development and peace building objectives being achieved through investments in green economic recovery is high.


[1]   Villarin, J. T., Algo, J. L., Cinco, T. A., Cruz, F. T., de Guzman, R. G., Hilario, F. D., Narisma, G. T., Ortiz, A. M., Siringan, F. P., Tibig, L. V. (2016). 2016 Philippine Climate Change Assessment (PhilCCA): The Physical Science Basis. The Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation Inc. and Climate Change Commission.


Institutional Arrangements

The Consultant shall develop an integrated approach to the assignment, ensuring that there are no duplication of assessments and planning with the Environment and Natural Resources consultant. S/he shall work very closely with the leaders of the base commands in the execution of the assignment. The outputs shall be delivered through a participatory approach, involving stakeholder workshops and focus group discussions with local stakeholders.


The UNDP Cotabato Office, in coordination with the leadership of the MILF, shall facilitate inception meetings and endorsement of consultant to local stakeholders. Succeeding activities for data collection shall be directly managed by the Consultant. Related administrative and logistical costs (e.g., vehicle rentals, supplies, printing/reproduction, documenters, translators) should therefore be included in the financial proposal. UNDP staff will join activities anytime for process documentation and monitoring.


Technical supervision shall be provided by the Team Leader of the UNDP Climate Action Team, in coordination with the Peace Team, and Bangkok Regional Hub.


Duration of Work

It is estimated that the assignments shall each involve a total of 60 person days of effort; commencing late September and ending in December 2020.


Duty Station

The engagement requires a high level of familiarity and knowledge of the Bangsamoro context and its environs. It will also involve substantial community-level interactions and validation work. It is therefore preferable that the Consultant be based in Mindanao or BARMM.


Schedule of Payment

The Payment terms are as follows:






Submission and acceptance of Inception Report

Oct 16, 2020


Submission of draft socio-economic survey report

Nov 11, 2020


Submission of draft base command resilience and transformation plan

Nov 30, 2020


Submission and acceptance of: (1) action plans for support by agencies and related organizations to implement the base command resilience and transformation Plan; (2) socio-economic survey report; (3) Final Base Command and Transformation Plan; and, (4) Final Report to include recommendations on monitoring and sustainability of resilience and camp transformation plan

Dec 15, 2020



Duties and Responsibilities

The objective of this assignment is to carry out a socio-economic survey and an analysis of the links between climate change, disasters, conflict, migration/displacement, and natural resource degradation in two (2) BCs of the MILF within the BARMM, and provide an assessment and inputs to a camp transformation workplan. Based on consultations with the MILF, these BCs are:

  • 121st BC covering Masiu, Ganasi and Maguiang in Lanao del Sur (5 barangays[1])
  • 109th BC covering Datu Paglas and Mangudadatu in Maguindanao and Columbio in Sultan Kudarat (7 barangays[2])


The Consultant shall then manage the formulation of the socio-economic survey reports and related plans.

Socio-economic Survey

  • Through document study, resource mapping, and area assessment[3], formulate the socio-economic profiles of the areas covered by the two BCs. The socio-economic profile shall include information specific to women, children, people with disabilities (PWDs), elderly, and LGBTI.
  • Carry out questionnaire survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) to obtain information on the socio-economic needs/aspirations of communities as well as existing plans and ongoing programs of duty bearers. The consultant shall include or hold separate FGDs and KIIs with women groups, PWDs, the elderly, and LGBTI.
  • From the above data collection processes, propose community development strategies
  • Share lessons learned from the socio-economic survey and provide recommendations to enhance the process if done in other BCs


[1]   Brgys. Sawir, Talaguian and Lacadun in Masiu; Brgy. Pindolonan in Ganasi; and, Brgy. Malungun in Maguiang.

[2]   Brgys. Mangadeg, Mao, Palao Sabuto and Puya in Datu Paglas; Brgys. Paitan and Daladagan in Mangudadatu; and, Brgy. Makat in Columbio.

[3]   May include: (1) data collection from various sources like latest census data, Comprehensive Development Plan-Executive and Legislative Agenda and Barangay Development Plan; (2) resource mapping to capture landmarks and features of the communities, such as infrastructure and services, natural resources, agricultural land, and hazard areas, among others; and, (3) area profiling to capture local conditions relating to health, water, sanitation, electricity, communications, education, livelihood/income sources, land ownership, intra-community relations and governance.

[4]   Survey, Assessment and Resilience Planning shall be undertaken through the UNDP-DFAT FASTRAC Project, while the Green Economy Planning and Technical Assistance shall be supported by the BRH TRAC Funds through the Recovery and Resilience PIP.



  • Through FGDs, KIIs, secondary data analysis and other appropriate methodologies, conduct a participatory assessment of the combined effects of armed conflicts, land conflicts, extreme climate events and disasters on migration, displacement, livelihoods, social cohesion, natural resources management, and economy within the base commands;
  • Document the vulnerabilities through mapping and other appropriate tools;
  • Disaggregate the effects on women, youth, senior citizens and other vulnerable groups;
  • Identify opportunities for strengthening community resilience through livelihoods, land conflict resolution, adaptation to climate change, improved management of natural resources, return of displaced populations, and improved management of migration.

Resilience Planning

  • Working with local leaders and community representatives, undertake a participatory resilience planning for the base command, addressing the vulnerabilities identified in the assessments above.
  • The resilience-building and camp transformation plan should cover both short-term (1-2 years); and medium-term (3-5 years); and should indicate the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders; and measures to monitor progress and results. Specify resilience-building roles and responsibilities of women, youth, PWDs, the elderly and LGBTIs based on the analysis of their capacities; and
  • Provide technical assistance in linking the base commands with sources of support to implement the resilience building and camp transformation plan.


Expected Outputs and Deliverables



Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates

Inception Report


5 days

Oct 16, 2020

Field work and data collection on socio-economic conditions, combined effects of armed conflicts, land conflicts, extreme climate events and disasters on migration, displacement, livelihoods, social cohesion, natural resources management, and economy within the base commands (to include mapping of vulnerabilities, with  disaggregation according to most vulnerable sectors, as well as opportunities for strengthening community resilience and inputs to camp transformation)


25 days

Nov 11, 2020

Draft socio-economic survey report, and base command resilience and transformation plan

20 days

Nov 30, 2020

Action plans for support by agencies and related organizations to implement the base command resilience and transformation Plan


Final Socio-economic Survey Report and BC Transformation Plan; and Final IC Report to include recommendations on monitoring and sustainability of resilience and camp transformation plan


15 days

Dec 15, 2020


60 days





Corporate competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional and technical competencies

  • Ability to work in a diverse and multi-cultural environment;
  • Self-motivated and ability to work under pressure and to meet strict and competing deadlines;
  • Displays analytical judgment and demonstrated ability to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;

Required Skills and Experience

Candidates will be evaluated based on the Combined Rating methodology:

  • Technical qualifications = 70%
  • Financial Proposal =    30%


The technical proposal shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Allocation of Percentage

   Background/experience of Individual per submitted CV/ P11


   2 sample outputs


   Plan of Approach and Methodology, including a timeline





The Plan of Approach and Methodology shall provide a brief description of the strategies, processes and activities to be employed by the Consultant to deliver the expected outputs. It should also contain an indicative timeline to conduct/complete proposed activities and deliver outputs by the expected due dates.

The financial proposal should indicate both breakdown and total costs of the engagement. It should be all-inclusive covering professional fees (including those of his/her support team), travel expenses, daily subsistence allowance and other related administrative-logistical expenses.


For the evaluation of the Technical Proposal, the selection of the successful consultant must be based on the following qualifications (with the appropriate obtainable points):



Qualifications (Camp Transformation and Resilience Building Specialist)

Points Obtainable (100 points)



Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Peacebuilding, Economics, Political Science, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management or related fields


25 points if relevant Master’s degree; 18 points if relevant Bachelor’s degree




At last 5 years of experience working with communities and LGUs in resilience building, early recovery and rehabilitation of conflict affected-areas, peace processes and camp transformation

  • 32 points if 5 years’ experience
  • 45 points if more than 5 years
  • 0 points if less than 5 years


At least 3 years of experience working in conflict affected areas

  • 30 points if more than 3 years
  • 21 points if 3 years
  • 0 points if less than 3 years










Familiarity with the Bangsamoro context/GPH-MILF peace process and prior work with any of the

Bangsamoro stakeholders is preferred. Previous engagement(s) as service provider for UNDP, other UN agencies and international organizations in the Philippines as well as working knowledge/use of any of the major local languages will be considered as an advantage.


Applicants who will only receive 70 points from the assessment of the CV and interview will be qualified for the assessment of the Financial Proposal. 


Recommended Presentation of Offer

Interested applicants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document. 

  1. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; and
  2. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP; ?Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.  If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP. 
  3. Two (2) sample outputs
  4. Plan of Approach and Methodology, including a timeline. The Plan of Approach and Methodology shall provide a brief description of the strategies, processes, and activities to be employed by the Consultant to deliver the expected outputs. It should also contain an indicative timeline to conduct/complete proposed activities and deliver outputs by the expected due dates.


Interested applicants to note that personal Medical/health insurance (to be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense) is mandatory for the issuance of contracts. Upon award of the contract, the consultant must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during the contract duration.

The following templates / Annexes and IC General Terms & Conditions can be downloaded from

  • General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contract
  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability
  • P-11 form

In view of the volume of applications, UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

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