RFP/PNG/008-2021 Provisions of Perception Survey of Bougainvillean Population under Post- Referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects in Papua New Guinea

Overview :

                                                                                         *******Supplementary Notice 1*******

                                                                This is a re-advertisement for the above Request for Proposal.



Dear Sir / Madam:

We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for the Provisions of Perception Survey of Bougainvillean Population under Post- Referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects in Papua New Guinea.

Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2, in preparing your Proposal. 

Proposals may be submitted on or before Monday, October 04, 2021 and via email, courier mail or fax to the address below: [email protected]

Your Proposal must be expressed in the English, and valid for a minimum period of 120 days

In the course of preparing your Proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it reaches the address above on or before the deadline.  Proposals that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.  If you are submitting your Proposal by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.  

Services proposed shall be reviewed and evaluated based on completeness and compliance of the Proposal and responsiveness with the requirements of the RFP and all other annexes providing details of UNDP requirements. 

The Proposal that complies with all of the requirements, meets all the evaluation criteria and offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract.  Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.

Any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price shall be re-computed by UNDP, and the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected.  If the Service Provider does not accept the final price based on UNDP’s re-computation and correction of errors, its Proposal will be rejected. 

No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted by UNDP after it has received the Proposal.At the time of Award of Contract or Purchase Order, UNDP reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services and/or goods, by up to a maximum twenty-five per cent (25%) of the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions. 

Any Contract or Purchase Order that will be issued as a result of this RFP shall be subject to the General Terms and Conditions indicated herein.  The mere act of submission of a Proposal implies that the Service Provider accepts without question the General Terms and Conditions of UNDP in this link: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/procurement/business/how-we-buy.html

Please be advised that UNDP is not bound to accept any Proposal, nor award a contract or Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Service Providers preparation and submission of a Proposal, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.

              UNDP’s vendor protest procedure is intended to afford an opportunity to appeal for persons or firms not awarded a Purchase Order or Contract in a competitive procurement process.  In the event that you believe you have not been fairly treated, you can find detailed information about vendor protest procedures in the following link:


            UNDP encourages every prospective Service Provider to prevent and avoid conflicts of interest, by disclosing to UNDP if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFP. 

UNDP implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices, and is committed to preventing, identifying and addressing all such acts and practices against UNDP, as well as third parties involved in UNDP activities.  UNDP expects its Service Providers to adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct found in this link : http://www.un.org/depts/ptd/pdf/conduct_english.pdf

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Proposal.

Sincerely yours,

Procurement Team UNDP PNG


Description of Requirements



Context of the Requirement


Perception Survey of Bougainvillean Population under Post- Referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects in Papua New Guinea

Implementing Partner of UNDP


Papua New Guinea National Government

Brief Description of the Required Services[1]

This Perception Survey will include: review of indicators in the past perception survey, integrating new indicators, revision of methodology and survey questionnaires, identifying and training local data collectors, collecting and analyzing data and producing a Perception Survey report. The institution conducting the survey will need to ensure that its methodology and surveys take into account the specific needs and opinions of women, youth and any other relevant sub-groups, whilst the data collection should disaggregate the data according to those groups.

The first objective of the Perception survey is to provide the implementing partners, the PBF Joint Steering Committee and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office with a clear idea on where the indicators in current phase of project implementation. The second objective is to provide the population of Bougainville with a voice with regards to their situation and a means of feeding their views back to their authorities and development partners, hence creating and strengthening a loop of communication and mutual accountability.

List and Description of Expected Outputs to be Delivered

  1. Deliverables


  1. Activities and Responsibilities

The institution which will be contracted will work with the PBF Project Manager and the Assistant Resident Representative (Governance) to execute the following tasks:

  1. Preparations
  • Revise and adjust a methodology for the collection of data and sample size of population covered for the perception surveys in 2016 and 2017, adding new Project Indicators and ensuring that views of women, youth and any other specific stakeholders or vulnerable groups are sufficiently represented.
  • Present the outline to UNDP for endorsement.
  • Identification of local data collection team for Bougainville, and training on the process of data collection.
  • With support of UNDP, hold a meeting briefing session with the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA) and Department of Independence Mission Implementation, ABG.

Revise and adjust questionnaires for Perception Survey, incorporating new Project Indicators


  1. Data Collection
  • Undertake a small pilot of surveys to ensure the question is well understood before the survey teams cover the whole sample.
  • Teams of data collectors to conduct the surveys in Bougainville as per the sample size.
  • Supervise and quality assures data collection.
  • Clean and compile raw data of Perception Surveys gathered in different locations.


  1. Analyze & Report
  • Analyze data gathered from the Perception Survey and finalize findings for indicators in the PBF M&E Plan, as agreed with the PBF Project Manager.
  • Develop Perception Survey report of the methodology and key findings.


  1. Stakeholder consultation and finalization of report
  • Presentation of the report to UNDP
  • Presentation of the report to Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA) and Department of Independence Mission Implementation, ABG.
  • Finalize the report and submit to UNDP.


Person to Supervise the Work/Performance of the Service Provider


PBF Project Manager and Assistant Resident Representative

Frequency of Reporting

Weekly basis based on payment schedule

Progress Reporting Requirements

Reporting based on progress reports.



Location of work

☒ Exact Address:  

☒ At Contractor’s Location

Expected duration of work

2 Months with a possibility of 1 Month Extension

Target start date

11 October 2021

Latest completion date

24th December 2021


Travels Expected


The Autonomous Region of Bougainville has (3), regions, (13) districts and (43) COEs in total. Decision on the specific location of the survey questionnaires will be proposed by the institution and agreed with UNDP on the basis of the methodology and the proposed sample size. The UNDP envisages representation of the three regions for this exercise, as well as specific focus on Buka and the Government (with a couple of questions potentially focused on Port Moresby and the national government).



Special Security Requirements


☒ Others: Not required


Facilities to be Provided by UNDP (i.e., must be excluded from Price Proposal)


☒ Others:      UNDP will not be required to provide additional resources to this Institutional Contract. This contract is supported by a proposal (RFP) for the same project period and by the provision on UNDP staff member (PBF Project Manager) to support the delivery of shared objectives.


Implementation Schedule indicating breakdown and timing of activities/sub-activities


☒ Required: Refer to TOR


Names and curriculum vitae of individuals who will be involved in completing the services


☒ Required



Currency of Proposal


☒ United States Dollars


Value Added Tax on Price Proposal[2]


☒ must be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes


Validity Period of Proposals (Counting for the last day of submission of quotes)



☒ 60 days


In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to extend the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFP.   The Proposal shall then confirm the extension in writing, without any modification whatsoever on the Proposal. 


Partial Quotes


☒ Not permitted



Payment Terms[3]


Refer to TOR for payment for detailed information.


Person(s) to review/inspect/ approve outputs/completed services and authorize the disbursement of payment


Project Manager and or Assistant Resident Representative


Criteria for Contract Award


☒ Lowest Price Quote among technically responsive offers

☒ Highest Combined Score  (based on the 70% technical offer  and 30% price weight distribution)

☒ Full acceptance of the UNDP Contract General Terms and Conditions (GTC).  This is a mandatory criterion and cannot be deleted regardless of the nature of services required.  Non acceptance of the GTC may be grounds for the rejection of the Proposal.


Criteria for the Assessment of Proposal


Technical Proposal (70%)

☒ Expertise of the Firm (21%)

☒ Methodology, Its Appropriateness to the Condition and Timeliness of the Implementation Plan (21%)

☒ Management Structure and Qualification of Key Personnel (28%)

(To be technical competent bidder must score minimum 49% out of 70%)

Financial Proposal (30%)

To be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price among the proposals received by UNDP.



UNDP will award the contract to:


☒ One and only one Service Provider


Type of Contract to be Signed

☒ Contract Face Sheet (Goods and-or Services) UNDP (this template is also utilized for Long-Term Agreement[4] and if LTA will be signed, specify the document that will trigger the call-off.  E.g., PO, etc.)


Contract General Terms and Conditions[5]

☒ General Terms and Conditions for contracts (goods and/or services)


Applicable Terms and Conditions are available at:




Annexes to this RFP[6]


☒ Form for Submission of Technical Proposal (Annex 2)

☒ Form for Submission of Financial Proposal (Annex 3)

☒ Bid Submission Form (Annex 4)

☒ Detailed TOR (Annex 5)

☒ Project Indicators for Perception Survey (Annex 6)

☒UN PBF Baseline Survey in Autonomous Region in Bougainville 2016(Annex 7)

☒UN PBF Interim Survey 2017  (Annex 8)







Contact Person for Inquiries

(Written inquiries only)[7]


UNDP PNG Procurement

[email protected]


Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.




Required Documents that must be submitted to Establish Qualification of Processes


☒  Company Profile, which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including printed brochures and product catalogues relevant to the goods/services being procured

☒ Tax Registration/Payment Certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder is updated with its tax payment obligations, or Certificate of Tax exemption, if any such privilege is enjoyed by the Bidder

☒ Certificate of Registration of the business, including Articles of Incorporation, or equivalent document if Bidder is not a corporation

☒Quality Certificate (e.g., ISO, etc.) and/or other similar certificates, accreditations, awards and citations received by the Bidder, if any

☒ Latest Audited Financial Statement (Income Statement and Balance Sheet) including Auditor’s Report past [2 years]

☒ Statement of Satisfactory Performance from the Top [3] Clients in terms of Contract Value the past

☒ CV’s of all key personnel proposed for this tender

☒ Information about „green“ efforts of the company

☒ All information regarding any past and current litigation during the last five (5) years, in which the involved, indicating the parties concerned, the subject of the litigation, the amounts involved, and the resolution if already concluded.

☒ Statement of Satisfactory Performance from the Top [3] Clients in terms of Contract Value the past [5 years]

☒ Signed Technical Proposal (Annex 2)

☒ Signed Financial Proposal (Annex 3)

☒ Signed Bid Proposal Form(Annex 4)








Buka Office, Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Type of contract:

Request for Proposal (RFP)


The Post-Referendum Process Support/ Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Projects

Languages Required:


Starting Date:

4th October 2021

Duration of Initial Contract:

2 months with possible extension of 1 Month



  1. Project Background

UN PBF Perception Survey in Autonomous Region of Bougainville

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has had a long and proud history in Papua New Guinea (PNG), working in all areas of development over the last 30 years, since the first UNDP office opened in PNG in 1981. With the support of the Government of PNG, and partners and donors, UNDP has forged strong bonds and built successful working relationships in all PNG provinces.

The UNDP also works in Bougainville which is an Autonomous Region of PNG. In 2001, the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) was signed between the National Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) and leaders representing the people of Bougainville. The BPA marked the end of a decade-long civil conflict in which up to 20,000 people died and many more were left without family, access to basic services and infrastructure, traumatized and scarred for life. With an estimated population of over 300,000 people, speaking 28 languages, in 33 constituencies stretching from the atolls and islands to the mountains that dominate the Centre of the mainland, Bougainville is an incredibly diverse region.  Bougainvilleans voted overwhelmingly for independence in the 2019 referendum and the two governments are now consulting on the ratification of the referendum outcomes and the next steps in Bougainville’s peace process.

To continue to support the two governments with the implementation of BPA, including the post referendum process, UNDP has three active Projects in Bougainville: 

  • The Post-Referendum Process Support Project, implemented provides for the immediate post-referendum processes, including provision of technical and logistical support, capacity building on the ratification process, continued awareness to the people of Bougainville and PNG on the progress and ensuring inclusive opportunities that supports meaningful participation.
  • The Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Project, funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is implemented by UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA is implemented since 2018.  The project ensures the post-referendum process is inclusive, with the participation of marginalized groups (women, youth and veterans). In addition, the project works with the key actors to support outlying factions, who remain outside of the peace agreement, engage in the dialogue and come into the peace architecture.
  • Sustaining Peace through Economic Empowerment Project is designed to support the ongoing Bougainville peacebuilding process on political and economic dimensions. The project, funded by Government of Japan, provides support to political dialogue in post-referendum process.  The key focus of the project is to stimulate opportunities for investment and jobs, particularly for youth and women, through construction of three innovation hubs in Bougainville and providing computer literacy and entrepreneurship trainings to women and youths.


The UN Peacebuilding Fund support in Papua New Guinea

The UN Peacebuilding Fund (UN PBF) Programme in Papua New Guinea started in 2014, following declaration of eligibility of PNG for PBF support in 2013. The Peacebuilding Priority Plan, covering period of 2015-2018, supported implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA), reconciliation and weapons disposal, as well as preparations for Bougainville Referendum.   The 11th of December 2019 marked a historical moment for PNG – Bougainville relations, and implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA), with the announcement of the Bougainville Referendum result of  97.7 per cent of voters choosing Independence from PNG. Following the referendum vote, the PBF support covers aspects of political dialogue in post-referendum process, engaging outlier factions in peace process and awareness-raising activities on BPA and post-referendum processes.

Perception survey in 2016 and 2017

To measure progress achieved within implementation of BPA and peacebuilding processes in Bougainville, there was a need to establish a longitudinal survey, that would serve as benchmark in terms of measuring a change in public opinion in Bougainville. The Perception Survey was designed to measure perception of Bougainvilleans on performance of parliamentarians, public consultations and engagement of political leaders with public.  The survey, first administered in 2016 as baseline and 2017 as interim, measured number of community level indicators, focused on public awareness of interventions aimed to sustain peace, security, social cohesion and reconciliation, participation in peacebuilding activities, general awareness on the BPA, referendum etc. As such, the collection of data predominantly focussed on the Autonomous Region of Bougainville with a few indicators also focussed on the views of the Government of Papua New Guinea, including the Parliament and the key institutions focussed on Bougainville affairs. 

For the current phase, new Perception Survey needs to be administered in Bougainville, revising and updating the methodology of past Perception Surveys and including measurement of additional Project Indicators (Annex 1), relevant for Sustaining Peace in Bougainville and Post-referendum Process Support Projects’ Results Framework.

  1. Objective

The main objective of the perception survey is to enable measurement of progress against expected results outlined in Post-referendum Support and Sustaining Peace in Bougainville projects against their respective Result Frameworks. This will include:

  • literature review of baseline and Interim perception surveys conducted in 2016 and 2017 respectively;
  • revision of methodology and survey questionnaires, used in previous surveys, keeping the original questions where possible, and adapting the research instruments to measure current  Project Indicators (Annex 1);
  • identifying and training local data collectors;
  • collecting and analyzing data and producing a perception survey report.

This Perception Survey will include: review of indicators in the past perception survey, integrating new indicators, revision of methodology and survey questionnaires, identifying and training local data collectors, collecting and analyzing data and producing a Perception Survey report. The institution conducting the survey will need to ensure that its methodology and surveys take into account the specific needs and opinions of women, youth and any other relevant sub-groups, whilst the data collection should disaggregate the data according to those groups.

The first objective of the Perception survey is to provide the implementing partners, the PBF Joint Steering Committee and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office with a clear idea on where the indicators in current phase of project implementation. The second objective is to provide the population of Bougainville with a voice with regards to their situation and a means of feeding their views back to their authorities and development partners, hence creating and strengthening a loop of communication and mutual accountability.


  1. Deliverables

(i)           Activities and Responsibilities

The institution which will be contracted will work with the PBF Project Manager and the Assistant Resident Representative (Governance) to execute the following tasks:

(ii)          Preparations

•            Revise and adjust a methodology for the collection of data and sample size of population covered for the perception surveys in 2016 and 2017, adding new Project Indicators and ensuring that views of women, youth and any other specific stakeholders or vulnerable groups are sufficiently represented.

•            Present the outline to UNDP for endorsement.

•            Identification of local data collection team for Bougainville, and training on the process of data collection.

•            With support of UNDP, hold a meeting briefing session with the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA) and Department of Independence Mission Implementation, ABG.

Revise and adjust questionnaires for Perception Survey, incorporating new Project Indicators

(iii)         Data Collection

•            Undertake a small pilot of surveys to ensure the question is well understood before the survey teams cover the whole sample.

•            Teams of data collectors to conduct the surveys in Bougainv

Documents :

Request for Proposal_Perception Survey
Terms of Reference
Bid Submission Form
Form for Submission of Financial Proposal
Form for Submission of Technical Proposal
UN ARB Baseline Survey Final Report APR-AAR 161201
UN ARB Interim Survey Report FINAL 171112

UNDP Papua New Guinea, Country Office – PAPUA NEW GUINEA

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