National Consultant to Develop a Data Management System for the Parole and Probation Administration and Infection Prevention Control Data Management System for Agencies Housing PDLs


The UNODC is implementing three projects on Criminal Justice Reforms. One is the INL/US supported project entitled Support to COVID-19 Infection Management for People in Prison and Persons with Drug Use Disorders which seeks to strengthen the preparedness and resilience to crises and emergencies in the longer term, in South and Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, by providing guidance on strategies, building capacities, and improving existing infrastructure. For the Philippines component, the following outcomes are aimed for:

  1. Prison systems in the Philippines are better prepared, with adequate strategies against public health emergencies, including COVID-19;
  2. Prison officers and persons deprived of liberty have increased knowledge and capacity to contribute to pandemic preparedness and response; and,
  3. Prison systems in the Philippines are equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure to cope with public health emergencies.

The second is the Strengthening the management of violent extremist prisoners and the compliance with the Nelson Mandela Rules in the Philippines, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic supported by the DFAT. The project aims for a structural integration of international rules and standards for the treatment of prisoners within the Philippines correctional system, supported by strengthened institutional capacity to manage violent extremist offenders.  It will do this through the achievement of two outcomes, namely:

  1. Criminal justice stakeholders in the Philippines have an agreed way forward to improve prisons and jail management; and,
  2. Basic mechanisms for correctional personnel to manage prisons/jails, including for violent extremist prisoners, are established and utilized.

The third one is the strengthening parole and probation management in the Parole and Probation Administration supported by the government of Japan. The aim of the collaboration is to introduce the principles of effective parole and probation management to the agency. These include the principles in four domain areas: risk/needs assessments, supervision, programming, and documentation and case management. The foreseen activity is as follows:

Provide pilot training for policymakers and frontline officers from the PPA to share and implement the newly-developed 1) risk/needs assessment tools, 2) modules and programmes on community supervision/treatment and 3) the common system of documentation and management.

With regard to the first two projects, the Philippine courts have a data management system, called the e-Court System, that is currently in use was developed by a consultant software company commissioned by the Supreme Court. However, it was developed without much consultation from the end users, which are the judges and the court staff.  The resulting system is therefore largely extractive, i.e. not interactive, and is being used only for monitoring by a central unit at the Supreme Court. (Note that the developer is the same company that built the Single Carpeta System that was also found to have flaws and difficult to implement and is currently being fixed.)

In addition, among agencies housing PDLs (BJMP and BuCor) no IPC data management system that tracks the progress of cases/clients’ infection (e.g., COVID-19, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.) has been implemented. The roll-out of the IPC Data Management System would help streamline the work of relevant intervention for greater efficiency and efficacy, thus improving the overall health conditions of PDLs.

As for the PPA project, since the new assessment tools and supervision modules have been developed recently under the UNODC’s initiative, UNODC is now planning to carry out the pilot implementation/training to share and implement those tools for the PPA officials. For that purpose, it is essential to update the current data management system to adapt to the new modules

This TOR supports the mandate and efforts of UNODC to promote non-custodial measures, in line with the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures, as well as minimum standards and safeguards for PDLs responding to current and future health emergencies, through the creation of a data management system for PPA, BJMP and BuCor and the training of a pilot cohort of BJMP, BuCor and PPA staff in the Philippines.

Duties and Responsibilities

The purpose of the assignment is to design, develop, test and deploy a fully automated web-based system for BJMP/BuCor and PPA respectively to collect, manage, analyze and report data that will eventually strengthen the IPC strategies/management among the relevant agencies and also implement properly the new community supervision modules/programmes properly.


The focus is on building a simplified data management system capable of exporting a raw file in an excel type which will serve as an offline file for disconnected or no internet access situation, that collects, catalogues, and generates analysis on client information, management of community corrections, infection management and other relevant information.  A fully developed system of assessment with data inputs and analysis outputs must include data entry applications.  The system must be supported by a comprehensive documentation, manuals and other user-friendly assets for wide and quick adoption by BJMP/BuCoR and PPA officials. This consultant also explores ideas and recommendations for implementation of the Single Carpeta System among the criminal justice agencies.






The TOR will target the following tasks for a 11-month period covering 16 January to 15 December 2022 under the supervision of the National Programme Officer for Prison Reforms and with additional guidance from the Senior Policy Advisor based in UNODC Manila and the Associate Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer (Prison Reform):


  • Validate needs and identify best practices.  The consultant will identify the database structure and data entry methods that best suit the potential users (i.e., BJMP, BuCor, and PPA) and the environments where they operate.
  • Design responses for the PPA data management.  The consultant will assess the technical needs of the PPA for a data management system based on the consultations done by UNODC Project Team with selected key technical staff.  Based on consultations done by the UNODC team, basic needs are as follows: 
    • Data gathering, system investigation and design,
    • Development of application system (includes the following modules: Client Information, Classification and Risk Assessment, Programming participation and Supervision)
    • Installation of the system to and configuration of the server,
    • End-User testing,
    • Parallel testing,
    • Inter-operability testing to another application system
  • Design responses for the Infection Prevention and Control management for BJMP and BuCor. The consultant will also create a technical solution (system) for the efficient data collection on Infection Prevention and Control management in jails and prisons. The following modules include:
    • Infection identification
    • Infection testing and treatment
    • Facility level case reporting
  • Deliver products.  As a final task, the consultant will roll out a beta version of the application, provide guidance during testing and adapt the application towards a final product in alpha version. The system will be presented to a selected number of users who will be trained on its use and monitored and assisted during roll-out.
  • System Requirements. Prior to the initial training and final deployment, the Consultant will provide recommendations on the following requirements:
    • 1. Complete Technical Specifications (TS) and costing of computer/s, server/s to install the and configure the back-end database and web server; and
    • Complete TS and costing for the required Operating System, Relational Database Management System or Database software, and other related software and application requirements.




The expected outputs and deliverables are defined as follows:


Draft Solution: A full set of documentation that defines the approach, method and tools for the database and system. The outputs will be in draft status for adaptation and finalization during beta testing.

Launch Solution: Provide 25 key technical staff of PPA and 50 key staff of BJMP, BuCor, with an introduction to the system.

Provide Technical Inputs:  As the PPA, BJMP, BuCor, use the system, the consultant will monitor the entry of data inputs. In some cases data cleaning policies will be used to ensure that the system produces expected analysis.

Report Results:  As users start data entry and using the system, several insights will emerge. The consultant will report on data, adapt the documentation, and update the system towards the final version.


The following task and deliverables table shall guide the Consultant’s work:



Deliverables/ Outputs

Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates

Review and Approvals Required

(Indicate designation of person who will review output and endorse acceptance)

Name and Email address of designated person who will review and accept the output

Inception Report, after an inception meeting with the UNODC Team and consultants


17 January 2022



IPC -Jails/Prisons System Investigation and Design: Document that identifies the technical methodology and system used to design the system, data input methods and tools, data schema, analytical formulas, reporting expectations, visual display of data and any other requirements identified. The document also serves as a manual for administrators and users

18 days

15 February 2022


National Programme Officer – Prisons




Senior National Programme Officer








IPC-Jails/Prisons System Development:  1) Create central database for data collection. The database must reflect the data schema and all other aspects of the document created in above deliverable; 2) Create data entry modules for web and mobile (accessible through mobile browser); 3) Create reporting and analysis modules and manuals. This will include graphs, and other graphical analysis assets


15 March 2022

IPC-Jails/Prisons System Testing, Training and Monitoring Roll-Out: 1) train and supervise the data entry/inputs of BJMP/BuCor pilot facilities; 2) Submit monitoring report for data entry/inputs; 3) Submit monitoring report for data analysis.


15 April 2022

IPC-Jail/Prisons – Submit Final Version of System and Manuals: A final version of the system is to be submitted, together with the final version of the User Manuals for each module, and the final Administrator Manuals that have been updated to address changes in the beta version.

5 days

30 April 2022

PPA System Investigation and Design: Document that identifies the technical methodology and system used to design the system, data input methods and tools, data schema, analytical formulas, reporting expectations, visual display of data and any other requirements identified. The document also serves as a manual for administrators and users

18 days


31 May 2022




National Programme Officer – Prisons




 Senior National Programme Officer





PPA System Development, System Testing, Training and Monitoring Roll-Out:  1) Create central database for data collection. The database must reflect the data schema and all other aspects of the document created in above deliverable; 2) Create data entry modules for web and mobile (accessible through mobile browser); 3) Create reporting and analysis modules and manuals. This will include graphs, and other graphical analysis assets;




19 days




31 June 2022

PPA system Testing, Training and Monitoring Roll-Out: 1) train and supervise the data entry/inputs of PPA pilot offices; 2) Submit monitoring report for data entry/inputs; 3) Submit monitoring report for data analysis.

5 days

15 September 2022

PPA system   – Submit Final Version of System and Manuals: A final version of the system is to be submitted, together with the final version of the User Manuals for each module, and the final Administrator Manuals that have been updated to address changes in the beta version.

5 days

01 October 2022


Report Results.  A final accomplishment report is to be submitted, together with a compilation of all development and monitoring reports, beta and final version of the system, and final version of all manuals produced, which includes ideas and recommendations for implementation of the Single Carpeta System among the criminal justice agencies.


5 days


30 November 2022


National Programme Officer – Prisons


And Senior National Programme Officer





Total Number of Days

 100 days









  1. The Consultant shall be directly supervised by the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice team together with the UNODC Senior Resident Policy Advisor, with whom all outputs shall be submitted and through whom all communications shall be coursed or copied.
  2. The Consultant may also be required constantly update the National Programme Officer – Prisons on the progress of his/her work related to the project, at least weekly during the contracting period, to ensure that targets are met in a timely manner.
  3. The Consultant is expected to provide his/her own laptop for the work requirement. S/he will be provided with desk space and access to office facilities and equipment. S/he will also be support by UNDP staff for administrative and logistic requirements, as necessary.
  4. The Consultant shall consider at least 10 working days lead time for UNDP to review outputs, give comments, certify approval/acceptance of outputs, etc. 




Duty station is Manila, Philippines (with possible travel within the country as agreed between UNDP/UNODC and consultant prior to travel; travel expenses will be shouldered by UNDP/UNODC). The expected duration of the assignment is 100 person-days between 16 January – 15 December 2022, unless revised in a mutually agreed upon timetable between the Consultant and UNDP.


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and declaration of State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines, all work and travel of the Individual consultant shall be done within the guidelines and protocols set by the local and national government. Field work, trainings, meetings, and coordination shall be done in compliance with community quarantine policies.


Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN mission, vision, values, and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Promotes UNDP’s agenda in meetings


Other Competencies

  • Ability to work in close collaboration with a group of national and international experts, to meet strict deadlines and plan the work according to priorities;
  • Demonstrates capacity to plan, organize, and execute effectively;
  • The initiative, good analytical skills, mature judgment, and ability to work under tight schedule while respecting deadlines achievement, ethics, and honesty;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a diverse environment
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds strong relationships with internal and external clients;
  • Demonstrated ability to function in a team environment and to deal with a complex multi-stakeholder environment
  • Good ability to use information and communication technologies as tools and resources;

Excellent written communication and presentation/public speaking skills focus on results, ability to interact productively in a teamwork environment

Required Skills and Experience



The Offers received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method – where qualifications and technical proposal will be weighted  70 points and combined with the price offer which will be weighted  30 points.  


The review of CV and Portfolio will be rated using the criteria in the table below. Only offerors who will obtain a minimum of 49 out of 70 obtainable points  will be considered qualified and shortlisted, and eligible for evaluation of financial proposal.




Points Obtainable (70 points)


Bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology or database management


14 points for Bachelors’ degree; 17 points for Master’s; 20 points for Ph.D.




  • At least 6 years of experience in building and managing Information Systems and IT applications, experience in database management with front-end and back-end applications; any experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods an advantage


21 points for 6 years’ experience and additional 1 point for every additional year; additional 3 points for experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods


  • At least 1 year Experience in database management platforms, records management, EDP/systems analysis, document design (MS Word or Google Docs), databases maintenance (MS Access, MS Excel or Google Sheets) and visual presentations (MS Powerpoint or other tools); experience with UX design for web and mobile an advantage,

7 points for 1 year experience in aforementioned platforms/tools and additional point per additional year; additional 1 point for experience with UX design



  • At least 1 year Experience working on records system automation in the Philippines; experience with web security protocols including two-factor authentication, and with document tracing and digital signatures preferred


7 points for 1 year experience on records system automation, additional point for each additional year; additional 1 point for experience with web security protocols






















  • Good English technical writing skills (based on sample work submitted)
  • Good conversational English and Tagalog skills (must be indicated in application)



70 points




  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN mission, vision, values and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability




  • Demonstrates strong analytical skills and mature judgement well-planned and organized;
  • Ability to work in close collaboration with a group of national and international experts, to meet strict deadlines and plan the work according to priorities;
  • Demonstrates capacity to plan, organize and execute effectively;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a multi-cultural team environment;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Facilitates and encourages open communication in the team and with stakeholders;
  • Excellent written communication and presentation/public speaking skills





  1. The Contractor should send the financial proposal based on a lump-sum amount for the delivery of the outputs identified below. The total amount quoted shall be “all inclusive” (professional daily fees X number of days, communications, transportation ,etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Contractor should be factored into the final amount submitted in the proposal. Travel, as deemed relevant by UNDP and compliant with government guidelines on community quarantine, will be arranged and paid for by UNDP and should not be included in the financial proposal.


  1. Medical/health insurance must be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense, and upon award of contract, the Contractor must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during contract duration


  1. The contract price will be fixed output-based price. Any deviations from the output and timeline will be agreed upon between the Contractor and UNDP.


  1. Payments will be done upon satisfactory completion of the delivery by target due dates. Outputs will be certified by the Senior Policy Advisor of UNODC prior to release of payments.




Target Date

Fee Basis / Percentage

Inception Report after an inception meeting with the UNODC team and consultants

15 March 2022


IPC-Jails/Prisons Design and Document System: Document that identifies the technical methodology and system used to design the system, data input methods and tools, data schema, analytical formulas, reporting expectations, visual display of data and any other requirements identified.

IPC-Jails/Prisons Build System:  1) Create central database for data collection. The database must reflect the data schema and all other aspects of the document created in above deliverable; 2) Create data entry modules for web and mobile; 3) Create reporting and analysis modules and manuals. This will include graphs, maps and other graphical analysis assets

IPC-Jails/Prisons System Testing and Training Users and Monitoring Roll-Out: 1) train and supervise the data entry/inputs of pilot facilities; 2) Submit monitoring report for data entry/inputs; 3) Submit monitoring report for data analysis.

30 April 2022


IPC Jails/Prisons Submit Final Version of System and Manuals: A final version of the system is to be submitted, together with the final version of the User Manuals for each module, and the final Administrator Manuals that have been updated to address changes in the beta version.

PPA Design and Document System: Document that identifies the technical methodology and system used to design the system, data input methods and tools, data schema, analytical formulas, reporting expectations, visual display of data and any other requirements identified.

31 June 2022


PPA Build System:  1) Create central database for data collection. The database must reflect the data schema and all other aspects of the document created in above deliverable; 2) Create data entry modules for web and mobile; 3) Create reporting and analysis modules and manuals. This will include graphs, maps and other graphical analysis assets

PPA System Testing and Training Users and Monitoring Roll-Out: 1) train and supervise the data entry/inputs of pilot facilities ; 2) Submit monitoring report for data entry/inputs; 3) Submit monitoring report for data analysis.

15 October 2022


PPA Submit Final Version of System and Manuals: A final version of the system is to be submitted, together with the final version of the User Manuals for each module, and the final Administrator Manuals that have been updated to address changes in the beta version.


 Report Results.  A final accomplishment report is to be submitted for both the IPC-Prisons and the PPA Data Management Systems, together with a compilation of all development and monitoring reports, beta and final version of the system, and final version of all manuals produced.





  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;


  1. UNDP Personal History Form (P11) or Curriculum Vitae (following the template attached) indicating all past experiences from similar projects or requirements, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;


  1. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided, and clearly stating the payment percentage as indicated in this TOR. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP. 

Note: The above documents need to be scanned in one file and uploaded to the online application as one document.

  1. At least 1 sample work that demonstrates an excellent command of written English and IT related work


Offerors must upload in one (1) file the documents mentioned above.

Templates for a) P11 Personal History Form and b)  Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (Annex 2) are available through the link below. UNDP General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contractors  are also available:

Incomplete submission of required documents may result in disqualification.

Please see the deadline of submissions above.

Because of the volume of applications UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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