  • Nigeria
  • CBM
  • Consultancy
Career Category
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
Years of experience
  • 5-9 years
  • Health




Taraba state is location in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria where the Boko Haram insurgency has been ongoing over the last ten years. Unfortunately, this has created the largest cohorts of internally displaced persons in the world. The total population of Taraba State as of 2020 is 3,422,549 (World Atlas, 2020). The Government of Taraba State is aware of the scourge of obstetric fistula and appear inclined to supporting the development of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation interventions. The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) has taken the global lead on the campaign to eradicate fistula. It has also accelerated treatment strategies in support of the government of Nigeria, and currently supports fistula work in Bornu, Yobe and Adamawa States in North-Eastern Nigeria. Other partners like Medicine Sans Frontiers (MSF) are also supporting fistula work in Jigawa State. CBM supported fistula outreach services to Adamawa and Taraba states from 2009 to 2013 through Evangel Vesico Vaginal Fistula Center. CBM also funded a pilot obstetric fistula treatment and prevention project in Gombe State in 2019. A follow-up three-year grant was secured from CBM to implement a comprehensive women’s health project in Gombe and Taraba States. The absence of any active fistula prevention and treatment project in Taraba and the fact that no baseline survey was done during the pilot project in Gombe, makes it paramount for a baseline survey to be done in Gombe and Taraba states.

The 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) reported the highest rates of fistula in Northern Nigeria. The report is corroborated by ECWA Evangel VVF centre’s experience of working in Adamawa and Taraba States from 2009 to 2013 with support from CBM. Despite these numerous interventions, most patients with obstetric fistula in Taraba State are yet to access services as a result of poverty, limited access to information and distance from treatment centres.

Additionally, women and girls living with the condition are still unaware of available fistula services; hence, they live with fistula for many years before accessing care. Most healthcare systems in the North-East have collapsed because of the activities of the (Boko Haram) insurgents. Where services are available, clients with fistula express fear of travelling to the health centres due to insecurity, and the long waiting hours for surgeries tend to worsen the prospects of repairs of fistula among women. Furthermore, patients lack transport money to access free obstetric fistula services. It is, therefore, necessary to overcome the geographic and transport barrier to reach women and girls with obstetric fistula in Taraba State.

ECWA Evangel Vesico-vaginal Fistula Centre has over 29 years’ experience in caring for women with obstetric fistula with 98% success rate for simple fistula and about 78% success rate of all cases, including fistula that is deemed inoperable. The Hospital is a centre of excellence and referral centre in fistula repair and care in the country. Additionally, the centre has made giant strides at the national level, and currently leads the global campaign to end fistula in the country. As a referral centre for obstetric fistula surgery in Nigeria, ECWA Evangel VVF Centre is the only centre that provides urinary diversion surgery for patients with inoperable fistula. Furthermore, women with complications of obstetric fistula like severe vaginal stenosis can have sigmoid neovagina provided in Evangel Vesico-vaginal fistula centre (EVVFC). Other novel procedures like tight pubovesical (PV) sling and new innovations in the treatment of paediatric urinary incontinence are also provided in EVVC Jos.

EVVFC’s experience in delivering obstetric fistula services includes the current ongoing fistula work in Gombe and Taraba States supported by CBM. The centre’s expertise in fistula surgery will be brought to bear, which will help raise awareness and increase access of women living with obstetric fistula to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation as far as possible.

1.2 Project Description

The Comprehensive Women’s Health Project is a three-year project that is being funded by CBM and implemented by the ECWA through Evangel VVF Centre, Jos, Plateau State. This project is a scale-up of the pilot that was conducted in 2019. The Comprehensive Women’s Health Projectcommenced in January 2020 and is expected to end in December 2022.

The overall objective of the project is to ensure that women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities are making reproductive health choices, have access and use Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services leading to fistula-free generation in Nigeria. The project locations are Taraba and Gombe States. This is intended to be achieved through increasing the access of women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities to affordable, quality, and sustainable sexual and reproductive health services through partnerships and effective collaboration with key stakeholders in the project locations. The Comprehensive Women’s Health Projectbuilds on the fistula repair outreaches and training of primary and secondary care health staff during the pilot in Gombe state to ensure that women and girls have improved access to prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula using the designated health facility.

In order to scale up the pilot project in Gombe State and replicate it in Taraba State, and further ensure that the states have improved capacity to deliver screening, prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula, there is need to know the prevalence and incidence of obstetric fistula in the states, and establish the current resource gaps in the states that can be addressed in order to meet the need through the implementation of this project.

1.1 Rationale for the Baseline Survey

High prevalence of obstetric fistula in developing countries including Nigeria is an indication of poor health systems to deliver accessible, timely and appropriate intrapartum care for all women and girls including women and girls with disability especially among those that are resident in rural areas. Incidence and prevalence measurements of obstetric fistula are needed to sustain interest in research on fistula and funding for sustainable methods for prevention and treatment. Knowing the percentage (%) of women and girls needing treatment is also essential for effective health-care planning and fistula programming. Data on the incidence of fistula in Nigeria, and in Gombe and Taraba States in particular is inadequate, hence the need for this baseline survey.

1.2 Survey Objectives

The proposed survey intends to establish baseline data of prevalence and incidence of obstetric fistula among women and girls of reproductive age including women with disabilities in Gombe and Taraba States. The baseline survey also, seeks to assess the needs within the healthcare system and socio-cultural factors that militate against access of women and girls with fistula, including women and girls with disabilities to accessing existing maternal health, sexual and reproductive health services in Gombe and Taraba States. The specific objectives of the assignment are to determine:

a) Incidence of obstetric fistula in the Gombe and Taraba states

b) Prevalence of obstetric fistula in the Gombe and Taraba states

c) Proportion of the target population in the Gombe and Taraba States with knowledge of obstetric fistula

d) Proportion of the target population in Gombe and Taraba States with history of obstetric fistula.

e) Barriers to accessing essential and emergency obstetric fistula care and treatment including C-Section among women of reproductive age.

f) Common psychological and social consequences of obstetric fistula in identified clients

g) Attitudes of women and girls including women and girls with disabilities towards making general health, and particularly reproductive health choices to prevent obstetric fistula.

h) Socio-cultural and behavioural factors that influence access for women and girls including those with disabilities to maternal and child health/reproductive health services.

i) The extent of support of policy environment for MCH/RH services especially obstetric fistula services.

j) Resource gap (Human, material and financial) for both Government and private /missions.

k) Assessment of the health, educational and environmental infrastructure within Gombe and Taraba states and resources that might support and sustain services.

l) Threats and opportunities for the project sustainability.

m) Assess availability and the level of readiness of the health systems and community-based structures in the project intervention states to deliver and support quality obstetric fistula services


The focus, scope and depth of the survey should be embedded in the political, economic, and cultural context of the target states to be covered by the project. The survey should assess the level of readiness of the health systems and community-based structures in the project intervention states to deliver and support quality obstetric fistula services, including behavioural patterns that influence access to existing prevention and treatment services that are inclusive for women and girls living with obstetric fistula and disabilities. This will also entail a service availability and accessibility mapping in the project states.

A number of different types of baseline information are needed to develop and monitor the proposed interventions for obstetric fistula prevention and treatment in Gombe and Taraba States. The information required will include using available data to determine the extent of the problem, any underlying factors that directly contribute to the problem, and can lead to the identification of potential solutions – determinants of obstetric fistula, and interventions for prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula.

Additionally, the survey should explore information with which actions to reduce the problem can be planned, carried out and assessed. Of particular importance, the survey should aim at generating data to inform advocacy for increased investments for obstetric fistula funded programmes in Gombe and Taraba States, and in Nigeria as a whole. The survey will also encompass community resource mapping that will identify stakeholders and resources/services that are available in the project location that will help with strengthening of referrals and linkages for improved health and wellbeing of women and girls with fistula, especially those living with disabilities.


The consultant will:

a) Assess the prevalence and incidence of obstetric fistula in Gombe and Taraba States

b) Assess the proportion of women and girls including women and girls with disabilities making reproductive health choices to prevent obstetric fistula

c) Assess the level of health seeking behavior of women of reproductive age in the communities within the project states.

d) Examine the proportion of women and young girls with knowledge of reproductive health.

e) Assess the proportion of women and girls including women and girls with disabilities accessing obstetric fistula prevention and treatment services and where.


The consultant will give recommendations based on their findings from this survey on how the project resources (budget, assets, and staff) can be efficiently used in relation to the planned activities, outputs and outcome. The consultant will also assess proposed implementation strategies and screening methodologies for obstetric fistula in terms of efficiency as it relates to the outlined interventions and the context of the target states (Gombe and Taraba) and come up with recommendations that may improve efficiency.


The consultant will assess whether the designed project interventions are effective in terms of the prevailing context of the target states and suggest recommendations on mechanisms to better address the core reproductive health problem of the target population.


The consultant should ascertain anticipated changes to be brought to the lives of the target communities because of the new project. The consultant will assess the living conditions of women and girls with fistula, including women and girls with disabilities in the target communities, and provide an analysis of the situation in terms of access to quality health services (maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health and fistula). These data will be used as a baseline to monitor and later evaluate the project’s effect/impact.


The consultant will assess the sustainability of the project in terms of alignment with the national/state government policies and strategies and of local ownership, continuation, maintenance and replication of the intended project outcomes. These include project management-cohesion, technical replication of technology and financial viability. The consultant will also ascertain the possibility of scaling up the project beyond the project areas to other communities within the project states, as well as to other Nigerian states. The consultant will investigate and propose practical ways through which the benefits from disability inclusive awareness and practices in the communities will continue in the long term.


Ø People with Disability: The survey must determine the degree to which women and girls with disabilities can be empowered and benefit from the project. Women with disabilities should be involved in conducting this baseline survey to ensure inclusiveness in all project components from the beginning.

Ø Barriers that hinder the access of women and girls with disabilities to maternal and child health, and sexual and reproductive health, and provide recommendations on how to overcome those barriers.

Ø Gender: The survey shall consider gender aspects of the project and report on them. Data collected should be disaggregated according to sex, age, and disability.

Ø Safeguarding: The consultant shall assess extent of protection of children and adults-at-risk from abuse including practices harmful to their health and development in the target areas.


The consultant will develop the survey methodology. Since it is an incidence and prevalence baseline survey, the consultant should consider covering the entire geographical location of the survey area. He/she is expected to submit a brief inception report where the methodology for conducting the survey will be agreed upon. The survey must meet the principles of inclusion, non-partisan, participative and interactive, involving both male and female beneficiaries including persons with disabilities. The consultant is expected to adhere strictly to the COVID 19 guidelines. As a minimum requirement the survey process should include the following key steps:

§ Literature review of existing contextual documents and review of the local context of the target.

§ Initial briefing session with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre and CBM Country Office.

§ Application of appropriate data collection tools.**


ECWA Evangel VVF Centre will be responsible for commissioning the baseline survey. ECWA Evangel VVF Centre will be responsible for planning and managing the survey and checking that quality standards are met, ensuring the survey conclusions and recommendations are communicated effectively all with the support of CBM Country Office.

The survey team will be identified and approved in consultation with CBM Country Office. On commissioning, the consultant will develop an inception report for review and approval by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre and CBM.

The draft baseline survey report will be shared with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre, CBM Country Office and CBM Australia for review, feedback and approval. A validation meeting will be conducted at this point to discuss the survey findings and report with project stakeholders – ECWA, CBM, government, Disabled People’s Organizations, Women’s groups, Fistula champions, Women living with fistula, Traditional and Religious leaders, Medical professionals, civil society organizations, etc. Upon acceptance of the report by all the stakeholders, ECWA Evangel VVF Centre will approve and sign off the final report. The final instalment of consultant’s fees will be disbursed following sign off by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre.

Coordination and Logistics

More specifically, ECWA Evangel VVF Centre and CBM CO will have the following responsibilities:

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre

Ø Overall coordination of baseline survey process

Ø Recruitment of the baseline survey consultant

Ø Work with CBM Country Office to organize meeting schedule for evaluation team

Ø Facilitate the consultant’s access to key stakeholders and specific information or expertise needed to perform the assessment.

Ø Identify “neutral” and disability accessible locations for interviews/ meetings to take place (where people will feel free to speak as openly as possible)

Ø Organize for interviews with beneficiaries and community leaders according to the consultant’s requests/methodology

Ø Organize for an interpreter for the survey exercise, if need be

Ø Provision of guidance on security and safety at the evaluation sites

Ø Cover the consultant’s transportation to the survey sites& transportation cost around the survey sites

Ø Cover the consultant’s hotel accommodation and feeding costs

Ø Ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed.

CBM Country Office

Ø Monitor and assess the quality of the baseline survey and its process.

Ø Provide guidance and institutional support to ECWA Evangel and the consultant.

Ø CBM Country Office review the data collection instruments and inception report before field work

Ø Approve the final report; all products related to the baseline survey shall be submitted to ECWA Evangel VVF Centre by the consultant at the end of the assignment and upon approval of the final report by CBM Country Office.


The baseline survey will be conducted by an independent consultant. The consultant will be responsible for the overall process of the baseline survey and the production of the survey report. These include tools development, translation and pre-testing, training of research assistants, data collection and analysis, and reporting. He/she will work in close collaboration with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre and the survey groups.

The consultant must have multi-disciplinary expertise with a key background and expertise in public health, reproductive, and maternal and child health. He/she should be familiar with disability inclusive practices in evaluations and will have to sign ECWA VVF Centre’s safeguarding policy prior to the field work.

Persons with disabilities must be involved in conducting the baseline survey to best assess whether the proposed project components will demonstrate inclusion of persons with disabilities. Specifically, the consultant will have the following duties and responsibilities:**

i. Fieldwork preparation:

a. Instrument development– the consultant will develop the instruments for data collection. They will in conjunction with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre team and CBM Country Office finalize and agree on the instruments for the survey.

b. Instrument translation– the English version of the instrument may need to be translated to local languages that are spoken in the LGAs to be covered (including Hausa Language at a minimum). The consultant should adopt a back-translation strategy to ensure that the English to local language translation corresponds with the local language to English version and the same for all languages.

c. Instrument programming– the consultant will need to create an electronic version of the instrument which will be used as the main instrument for data collection.

d. Prepare the necessary hardware platform for the data collection. Pretesting instruments – both the electronic and paper versions of the instrument will need to be pre-tested through a pilot survey before deploying survey teams to the field.

ii. Ethical approval- the consultant will apply for ethical clearance from the authorizing government Ministry or parastatal in Gombe and Taraba States.**

iii. Personnel management:

a. Survey staff – the consultant will be responsible for the formation of the survey team. He/she will have to recruit and deploy enumerators, supervisors and independent back checkers.

b. Preparation of a training manual for the data collection team – the consultant will develop a training manual with content on research protocol and etiquette. This document will be updated with concepts and questions that field teams have difficulty understanding during survey training.

c. Fieldwork training – the consultant will organize a training session for all enumerators, supervisors, and independent back checkers.

iv. Community resource mapping:

a. Organize and conduct community mapping and stakeholder mapping using appropriate tools for community engagement.


It is expected that the Consultant should have

§ At least five years’ experience in conducting research, experience in conducting obstetric fistula programme evaluation will be an added advantage.

§ Advanced degree or Masters’ in Public health, disability and development, or other relevant fields.

§ Strong background in reproductive, maternal and child health as well as inclusive development.

§ Knowledge and practical experience in working with health programmes; experience in fistula programming is an added advantage.

§ At least five (5) years proven experience conducting baseline surveys/evaluation including knowledge of evaluation methodology.

§ Ability to provide strategic recommendations to key stakeholders.

§ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including ability to facilitate and work in a multidisciplinary team.

§ Knowledge and experience in disability inclusive development (DID) is added advantage.

§ Experience in community development approaches.

§ Strong analytical skills

§ Ability to clearly synthesize and present findings.

§ Ability to draw practical conclusions and to prepare well written reports in a timely manner during the proposed period of the survey.

*Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.


The Consultant is required to produce five sets of outputs over the course of the project:


After discussion with and subsequent revisions, the Consultant will produce draft data collection tools that will be reviewed in collaboration with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre and CBM Country Office before they are finalized for use. The data collection tools should be finalized for implementation within two (2) weeks from the time of formal engagement.


The Consultant will produce field operational plan two (2) weeks after signing the contract.


a. Inception Report: The consultant shall submit an inception report after signing of the agreement detailing on the survey proposal (brief concept), methods, tools and work plan. The ethical approval should be taken by the consultant from State Ministry of Health in Gombe and Taraba States or the designated parastatal.

b. Training report – This should cover the duration, content and method of transfer of skills to the survey enumerators and results of the pilot testing of the survey.

c. Draft baseline survey report-The draft report is expected from the consultant before final report. The report will be written in simple English language and must be comprehensive using a standard template. Reference will be cited after each important facts and figures. A dissemination meeting will be conducted by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre where the draft survey report will be discussed with ECWA Evangel VVF Centre, CBM Country Office, DPO representatives and the government partners, etc. with the consultant as the lead facilitator. The results of this dissemination will inform the next steps and the production of the final survey report.

d. Final baseline survey report: The consultant shall submit a final report in both hard copies and electronic copies along with all survey data (in Excel or SPSS compatible formats), completed checklists and questionnaires, case stories, quotes, transcripts of the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), photographs and ethical approval, etc. The final report should be a comprehensive analysis of the data gathered, ensuring that the objectives are fully met and questions adequately answered. This will consist of presentation of all the variables against a set of dimensions (sex, age, disability, education, knowledge of Fistula, etc.). The report should summarize the most important findings from the research from the perspective of answering questions on the survey objectives. In addition, the codes for undertaking this analysis should be provided in full.


On submission of the final report, the consultant is expected to submit a Power Point presentation (maximum 12 slides), summarizing the methodology, challenges faced, key findings under each of the assessment criteria and main recommendations. This should be submitted together with the final report by 2nd December 2020.

Proposed Time Frame

The proposed time-frame for this evaluation is 2nd November to 2nd December2020.

Duration of Activities

The duration of the baseline survey exercise shall be 23 working days from a mutually agreed date no later than 9th December2020. The survey will follow the key phases:

a. Phase I – Desk survey: Review of documentation, elaboration of inception report, and development of survey tools (3 days)

The consultant will review relevant documentation about the project and about obstetric fistula in Nigeria. Based on this review, he/she will produce an inception report which will include a survey plan, methodology and sampling strategy of the data collection for the baseline survey.

b. Phase II: Field Data Collection (6 days)

This phase of the baseline survey will seek to collect primary data on the key survey questions explained under each assessment criteria. The consultant will use the agreed plan, methodology and sampling strategy from phase 1 to conduct the field work.

c. Phase III – Data analysis and production of baseline survey report (14 days)

The consultant will draw out key issues in relation to the survey questions and produce a comprehensive report. This analysis should draw on the wider issues in the development sector and how the project will shape/affect state and national level obstetric fistula services.

The table below summarizes the key activities outlined above




Expected Dates

No of Days

Phase I –

Desk study: **

Desk research /literature review


1½ day

Submission of Inception Report


1 day

Development of evaluation tools


½ day

Phase II:

Field Data Collection

Field Visits & data-collection (with debriefing at the end of visit to each state)

Project sites

6 days

Phase III –

Analysis and production of survey report

Data analysis and preparation of draft report



7 days

Presentation of initial findings and draft report to stakeholders at a dissemination meeting (each state)

Gombe and Taraba States

2 days

Updating draft report following the dissemination meeting


1 day

Submission of draft report

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre (via e-mail)

1 day

Review of draft report after feedback from CBM and partners**


2 days

Submission of final report

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre

1 day


23 days


Interested applicants are expected to submit a detailed expression of interest (technical and financial proposal) with the following components:

· His/her understanding of the ToR;

· Proposed methodology and work schedule;

· A profile of the applicant including full name(s), physical address(es); telephone number(s);

· Copy of Curriculum Vitae of the Consultant who will undertake the baseline survey

Specifically, a sealed technical proposal of no more than 30 pages (A4 single spaced 12-point font) should be submitted as indicated below. This technical proposal should cover the applicant’s proposed approach to:

§ Sampling – including technical details on how the sampling approach will provide results that enable statistically representative comparisons to be made between different geo-political (senatorial) zones, and LGAs in Gombe and Taraba States.

§ Survey implementation – including details of how piloting will be undertaken; details of the way in which the survey teams will be managed; the technology that will be used to ensure data accuracy; and the checks that will be put in place to ensure data consistency and validity.

§ Analysis – suggest the sort of analysis that will be done and the features of the report that will be produced.

In addition, the applicants should provide information on the following:

§ Demonstrated experience in the field of the assignment

§ Technical and managerial capabilities of the firm.

§ Information on their core business and years in business.

§ Information on the qualifications of key staff

The technical proposal should not contain any information on cost.


Applicants should also submit a separate sealed financial proposal. This should contain details of:

§ Summary of costs

§ Breakdown of daily fees

§ Breakdown of reimbursable costs.

I/We __undertake, if our bid is accepted, to deliver the services in accordance with the delivery schedule as stipulated or as will be agreed during contractual negotiations and we also accept the scheduling of payment as published in the RFP.

I/We agree to abide by this RFP for a period of _ days from the date fixed for opening of bids in the Request for Proposal (RFP), and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

I/We understand that your organization, ECWA Evangel VVF Centre is not under any obligation to accept our bid or any other bid, and acknowledge your reserved rights to variation of the terms of this RFQ as you may wish.

__ Authorized Signatory

[Consultant/Organization Name and Stamp]

1. Proposal Deadline:

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre will not consider any quotes received after the Closing Time specified in the RFP

2. Deadline Extension:

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre may grant extensions to the Closing Time at its discretion.

3. The Organization’s Rights:

ECWA Evangel VVF centre may, at its discretion, discontinue this RFP; decline to accept any quote; terminate, extend or vary its selection process; decline to issue any contract; seek information or negotiate with any potential supplier that has not been invited to submit a quote; satisfy its requirement separately from the RFP process; terminate negotiations at any time and commence negotiations with any other potential supplier; evaluate quotes as the organization deems appropriate (including with reference to information provided by the prospective supplier or from a third party); and negotiate with any one or more potential suppliers.

4. Confidentiality:

In their quote, potential consultants must identify any aspects of their quote that they consider should be kept confidential with reasons. Potential consultants should note that ECWA Evangel VVF centre will only agree to treat information as confidential in cases that it considers appropriate. In the absence of such an agreement, potential consultants acknowledge that ECWA Evangel VVF Centre has the right to disclose the information contained in their quote. The potential consultant acknowledges that in the course of this RFP, it may become acquainted with or have access to ECWA Evangel VVF Centre confidential information (including the existence and terms of this RFP and the ToR). It agrees to maintain the confidence of the confidential information and to prevent its unauthorized disclosure to any other person. If the potential consultant is required to disclose confidential information due to a relevant law or legal proceedings, it will provide reasonable notice of such disclosure to ECWA Evangel VVF Centre. The parties agree that this obligation applies during the RFP and after the completion of the process.

5. Reference Material:

If the RFP references any other materials including, but not limited to, reports, plans, drawings, samples or other reference material, the potential consultant is responsible for obtaining the referenced material and considering it in framing their quote. And provide it to ECWA VVF Centreupon request.**

6. Price Basis:

Prices quoted must be provided as a fixed maximum price and show the tax exclusive price, the tax component and the tax inclusive price. The contract price, which must include any and all taxes, consultant charges and costs, will be the maximum price payable by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre for the Goods and/or Services.

7. Financial information:

If requested by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre, potential consultants must be able to demonstrate their financial stability and ability to remain viable as a provider of the Services over the term of any agreement. If requested by ECWA Evangel VVF Centre, the potential consultant must promptly provide ECWA Evangel VVF Centre with such information or documentation as the organization reasonably requires in order to evaluate the potential consultant’s financial stability.

8. Referees:

ECWA Evangel VVF Centre reserves the right to contact the potential consultant’s referees, or any other person, directly and without notifying the potential consultant.

9. Conflict of interest:

Potentialconsultants must notify ECWA Evangel VVF Centreimmediately if any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest arises (a perceived conflict of interest is one in which a reasonable person would think that the person’s judgment and/or actions are likely to be compromised, whether due to a financial or personal interest (including those of family members) in the procurement).

10. Inconsistencies:

If there is inconsistency between any of the parts of the RFP, the following order of precedence shall apply:

a) These Terms and Conditions.

b) The cover page of this RFP; and

c) The Schedule

11. Collusion and Unlawful Inducements:

Potential consultant(s) must not engage in any collusive, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other potential supplier or person or quote any unlawful inducements in relation to their quote or the RFP process. Potential consultant warrant that they have not provided or offered any payment, gift, item, hospitality or any other benefit to the organization, its employees, consultants, agents, subcontractors (or any other person involved in the decision-making process relating to this RFP) which could give rise to a perception of bribery or corruption in relation to the RFP or any other dealings between the parties.

12. Jurisdiction:

This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the Jurisdiction. The Supplier and ECWA VVF Centre will use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of, or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof.

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit the following documents in Microsoft Word or PDF formats to [email protected] on or before Sunday 25th October,2020.

a. Technical Proposal

b. Financial Proposal

c. Tax Identification Number

d. Certificate of Incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (if submitting as an organization)

e. Two reference letters from similar contracts executed.

f. Statement of Availability.

To help us with our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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