Accounts Associate

Engenheiro Sênior de Software

Posição:  Engenheiro Sênior de Sofware (3007)

Programa: Programa de Florestas Global

Descrição da posição:

O WRI Brasil está buscando Engenheiro/a Sênior de Software para atuar no Programa de Florestas Global. Nesta posição o/a profissional liderará todas as fases do desenvolvimento de tecnologia e suporte operacional de tecnologia para o Programa de Florestas Global. Terá reporte para o gestor de produtos do Programa de Florestas e trabalhará em estreita colaboração com a equipe para desenvolver recursos inovadores que solucionem problemas críticos de sustentabilidade para nossos clientes. O foco inicial do seu trabalho será o design de um novo recurso integrado de relatório de sustentabilidade para o GFW Pro, que permitirá o compartilhamento B2B, ofertas de alertas de desmatamento atualizados em tempo quase real, além de funcionalidade de relatório de sustentabilidade alinhada com os padrões globais da indústria.

Será responsável por todos os aspectos de desenvolvimento de software para o GFW Pro, incluindo; arquitetar aplicativos baseados na web para atender às necessidades atuais e futuras dos clientes;   desenvolver aplicativos baseados na web, de alta qualidade, confiáveis, seguros, altamente disponíveis e escaláveis; inspirar a inovação e propiciar um ambiente de aprendizagem contínua; mentorar os programadores da equipe, utilizando diversas abordagens como programação de pares, revisões de código, etc., liderar a equipe na execução de métodos ágeis, integração e implantação continua; interagir com outros grupos de tecnologia do WRI, outras organizações e fornecedores.

A posição é para trabalho remoto, devido à pandemia do Covid-19, mas a base poderá ser no escritório do WRI em São Paulo, quando as restrições forem suspensas.

Principais atividades e/ou responsabilidades:

  • Participar do desenvolvimento da visão, estratégia e priorização do produto do Programa de Florestas Global, considerando as prioridades institucionais, necessidades do usuário e orçamento;
  • Participar da priorização de melhorias da plataforma e lançamento de planos em coordenação com a equipe de produtos do GFW Pro e fornecedores, conforme necessário, para otimizar a experiência do usuário e atender às suas necessidades;
  • Desenvolver, testar e lançar continuamente novos recursos da plataforma GFW Pro;
  • Compreender o cliente por meio da coleta automatizada de feedback do usuário, análises e tendências da indústria, traduzindo em recursos de novos e aprimorados produtos;
  • Manter interface transversal com outras áreas do WRI no compartilhamento de métodos de desenvolvimento de produtos e suporte às características e métodos comuns, quando apropriado;
  • Apoiar o suporte operacional do GFW Pro, melhorando a experiência de integração e entendendo as tendências nas solicitações de suporte;
  • Responder, diagnosticar e corrigir bugs, garantindo que os problemas não se repitam, em coordenação com a equipe de produto GFW, Equipe GIS e fornecedores externos, conforme necessário;
  • Configurar e manter um sistema automatizado para coletar e relatar as principais métricas do produto;
  • Participar das respostas às consultas e perguntas recebidas sobre o GFW Pro;
  • Liderar o processo de contratação da equipe de engenharia do GFW Pro;
  • Gerenciar e orientar a equipe de engenheiros de software;
  • Manter-se atento às tendências tecnológicas relevantes e criar uma cultura de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento contínuos dentro de sua equipe.

Qualificações necessárias:

  • Necessário Bacharelado
  • Proficiência no ecossistema React / Redux
  • Proficiência em Express, AWS, SQL e NoSQL (sem banco de dados)
  • Experiência no trabalho com sistemas de dados geoespaciais
  • Experiência de trabalho em equipe matricial
  • Conhecimento comprado com ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento de produto e criação de interfaces de dados amigáveis ​​aos usuários
  • Experiência com integração e implantação contínuas
  • Fluência em Inglês

Qualificações Desejáveis:

  • Experiência em análise de dados e desenvolvimento de produtos
  • Fluência em espanhol ou Bahasa

Sobre o WRI:

O WRI Brasil é um instituto de pesquisa que transforma grandes ideias em ações para promover a proteção do meio ambiente, oportunidades econômicas e bem-estar humano. Atua no desenvolvimento de estudos e implementação de soluções sustentáveis em clima, florestas e cidades. Alia excelência técnica à articulação política e trabalha em parceria com governos, empresas, academia e sociedade civil.

O WRI Brasil faz parte do World Resources Institute (WRI), instituição global de pesquisa com atuação em mais de 50 países. O WRI conta com o conhecimento de mais de 1000 profissionais em escritórios no Brasil, China, Estados Unidos, Europa, México, Índia, Indonésia e África.

Saiba mais sobre a nossa organização em e

Job Summary

Do you have a startup mentality, superior technology development skills and want to be a part of a small, agile team working on some of the biggest environmental challenges facing humanity today?

Global Forest Watch Pro is an open-access application to manage deforestation risk in commodity supply chains. The tool utilizes the best publicly available spatial data on forests gathered by the Global Forest Watch (GFW) partnership, which is convened by WRI but consists of more than 250 international partners. The GFW Commodities and Finance team works with leading commodity companies, financial institutions and academics to develop and implement new data visualizations and analyses that align company commitments and policies with better forests, water, land-use and social outcomes.

In this role, you will lead all aspects of technology development and technology operational support for GFW Pro. You will report to the GFW Pro Product Manager and work closely with the rest of the team to develop innovative new features that solve critical sustainability problems for our customers. The initial focus of your work will be the design of a new integrated sustainability reporting feature for GFW Pro that will enable B2B sharing, upgraded near-real-time deforestation alert offerings, and sustainability reporting functionality aligned with global industry standards.

You will be responsible for all aspects of software development for GFW Pro including: a) Actively participate in discovery sessions with customers b) Architect web-based applications to meet the current and anticipated needs of the customers c) Develop high quality, reliable, secure, highly available and scalable web-based applications d) Inspire innovation and enable an environment of continuous learning e) Mentor developers on the team using various approaches like pair programming, code reviews, etc. f) Lead the team in implementing agile methods, continuous integration and deployment g) Continuously educate yourself and others on latest industry developments h) Interface with other technology groups within WRI and vendor organizations.

The GFW Pro team prides itself on a collaborative, independent culture. The ideal candidate will be self-directed and self-motivated, and comfortable with changing circumstances. Must be comfortable representing GFW Pro to internal and external partners across seniority levels. Mission alignment, and desire to work directly with influential supply chain actors to reduce deforestation is important.

This position is remote due to Covid-19, but you will be based at WRI’s office in Brazil once restrictions have lifted.

Job Responsibilities

Product Development (80% of time required)

  • Participate in the development of the GFW Pro product vision, strategy, and prioritization considering institutional priorities, user needs, and budget in coordination with GFW Pro Product and Engagement teams
  • Participate in the prioritization of platform improvements and plan releases in coordination with GFW Pro Product Team and vendors as needed to optimize user experience, and address user needs and technical debt, while considering additional dependencies
  • Continuously develop, test, and release new features of the GFW Pro platform
  • Understand the customer through automation of the collection of user feedback, analytics and industry trends and translate into improved and new product features
  • Interface with the cross cutting WRI product organization to share product development methods and support common features and methods where appropriate
  • Participate in developing appropriate cross product technology standards and guidelines

Technology Operations Support (10% of time required)

  • Support the GFW Pro operational support by improving the onboarding experience and understanding trends in support requests
  • Respond to, diagnose, and fix bugs, ensuring issues are not repeated, and coordinate with the GFW product team, GIS Team and external vendors, as needed
  • Set up and maintain an automated system for collecting and reporting on key product metrics
  • Participate in the response to incoming inquiries and questions on GFW Pro

Management and Team Leadership (10% of time required)

  • Lead the hiring process for the GFW Pro engineering team
  • Manage and mentor a team of software engineers
  • Stay abreast of relevant technology trends and create a culture of culture of continuous learning and development within your team

Job Qualifications

Required Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree required
  • Proficiency with the React/Redux ecosystem
  • Proficiency with Express, Python, AWS, SQL and no NoSQL databases
  • Experience and desire to work with geospatial data systems
  • Experience working across a matrixed team
  • Demonstrated understanding of the product development lifecycle and creating user-friendly data interfaces
  • Experience with Continuous integration and deployment
  • Fluency in English and Portuguese

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience in data analysis and product development
  • Fluency in Spanish or Bahasa is a plus

How to Apply

Please submit a resume with cover letter in English. Applicants must apply through the WRI Careers portal to be considered.

Program Overview

World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent, nonprofit global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. We are working to address critical challenges that the world must overcome this decade in order to secure a sustainable future for people and the planet: climate change, energy, food, forests, water, sustainable cities, and the ocean. WRI is committed to advancing gender and social equity for human well-being in our mission and applies this principle to our organizational and programmatic practices.

WRI Overview

World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent, nonprofit global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. We are working to address seven critical challenges that the world must overcome this decade in order to secure a sustainable future for people and the planet: climate change, energy, food, forests, water, sustainable cities, and the ocean.

We are passionate. We value our diversity of interests, skills and backgrounds. We have a flexible work environment. And we share a common goal to catalyze change that will improve the lives of people. Our shared ideals are at the core of our approach. They include: integrity, innovation, urgency, independence and respect.

The foundation of our work is delivering high-quality research, data, maps and analysis to solve the world’s greatest environment and international development challenges, and improve people’s lives. We work with leaders in government, business and civil society to drive ambitious action and create change on the ground. Equally important, we bring together partners to develop breakthrough ideas and scale-up solutions for far-reaching, enduring impact.
We have been growing rapidly: our staff has doubled in size over the past 5 years and our operating budget is now $150 million. Founded in 1982, WRI has a global staff of 1,000+ people with work spanning 60 countries. We have offices in Africa,  Brazil, China,  Europe,  India,  Indonesia,  Mexico and the United States  as well as a growing presence in other countries and regions.  

WRI is committed to advancing gender and social equity for human well-being in our mission and applies this principle to our organizational and programmatic practices.


To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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