International Consultant for Managing Risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in CSO Implementing Partnerships

International Consultant for Managing Risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in CSO Implementing Partnerships

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Job no: 535783
Contract type: Consultancy
Level: Consultancy
Location: Montenegro
Categories: Gender Equality, Human Rights, Knowledge Management, Innovation

I. Background and Context

Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) is an unacceptable breach of fundamental human rights and a deep betrayal of UNICEF’s core values: care, respect, integrity, trust and accountability. Informed by our core values, UNICEF is firm in ensuring a culture of zero tolerance for all forms of sexual misconduct – a culture of prevention, deterrence, gender equality and accountability at every level of the organization. UNICEF is working to prevent and respond to SEA through concrete measures that focus on ensuring an organizational culture of zero tolerance, establishment of safe and trusted reporting mechanisms, survivor centered responses, swift credible investigation and sanctions for perpetrators and full engagement of our partners in these efforts. 

To further strengthen its work towards fulfilling its commitment in this field, in 2020 UNICEF  introduced a new Procedure for Managing Risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Implementing Partnerships.  It  establishes requirements for UNICEF offices to operationalize the screening of implementing partners as required by the United Nations Protocol On Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners and to apply appropriate risk mitigation measures to minimize the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse in  partnerships with civil society organisations (CSO).  

In addition, UNICEF’s Policy on Conduct Promoting the Protection and Safeguarding of Children (CFEXD-2016-006) (“Child Safeguarding Policy”) sets out UNICEF’s commitment to minimise risks of harm to children arising from its programmes, operations, personnel and partners. UNICEF’s child safeguarding commitments include but go beyond those associated with protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse[1].   


II. Purpose and Objective  

Under the supervision of the Child Protection Officer/  PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Focal point and in close cooperation with the Human Resource Associate/PSEA alternate and Operations Officer, the PSEA Risk Mitigation Consultant will have the responsibility to support the process of introduction of the new PSEA procedure with a primary focus on supporting the risk assessment of the existing partner organisations by (a) developing and contextualising an information package based on the existing UNICEF toolkit, (b) reviewing the partners’ self-assessment reports, (c) determining risk ratings, (d) developing partner support plans, and (e) providing follow up capacity building support. The Consultant will also check availability of r the implementing partners`  safeguarding procedures and provide relevant follow up guidelines. 

The consultant will also  prepare and conduct PSEA training for selected UNICEF staff on the assessment process and  contextualize a package of materials and tools to equip them to follow the new procedure and support  partners to meet the UNICEF standards in this field. Additionally, the consultant will be responsible to draft the relevant service mapping and create generic PSEA informational materials.  


III. Methodology and Technical Approach The methodology will include:

  • desk review of the relevant international standards and policies
  • regular consultations with UNICEF and its partners 
  • development and delivery of training to UNICEF partners
  • Review of PSEA related procedures at UNICEFs implementing partners
  • Capacity building of UNICEF personnel and implementing partners
  • Development of communication material for children and families

Further details are presented in the section below “Activities and Tasks”. 


IV. Activities and Tasks 

The activities of the assignment will be conducted in close cooperation with UNICEF and its implementing partners. The consultants are expected:



Number of days and



To review and make reference to: Promulgation of ST/SGB/2003/13 setting UN system-wide standards on PSEA, UN Codes of Conduct, United Nations

Protocol On Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Involving Implementing Partners, UN Strategy and protocol on victim assistance and support, PSEA Tookit for implementing partners, the provisions of ST/SGB/2003/13 on UNICEF Policy on Conduct Promoting the Protection and Safeguarding of Children, etc. 

Home based

4 days 

By 20th November 2020 

Conduct the initial PSEA training/other capacity building support to the implementing partners for performing a self-assessment. The Consultant will also check the availability of  the implementing partners` safeguarding procedures and provide relevant follow up guidelines.


1 day

By 24th November 2020

Review the PSEA information package prepared for all UNICEF personnel based on the UNICEF toolkit for implementing partners, internal PSEA policy and other relevant internal documents 

Home based

2 days

By 26th December 2020

Review the GBV and PSEA Pocket Guide and the existing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection (CP) services map, which is to be made available to tsurvivors, including health, safety,

legal, psycho-social support, economic


Home based

3 days

By 1st December 2020

Review the PSEA self-assessment for all current CSO partners (up to 25), determine the risk ratings and develop a  follow-up/support plan for all partners, defining the required  improvements per partner for

Home Based

10 days

By 12th December 2020

each standard, to be followed-up by the respective UNICEF officer with each partner



Conduct PSEA follow-up training/other capacity building support to the implementing partners, following the risk assessments. The Consultant will provide recommendations for the implementing partners` safeguarding procedures and provide relevant follow up guidelines.

Online training

1 day

By 15th December 2021

By building on experience/lessons learned from the capacity building of the implementing partners, revise and contextualize the PSEA information package for the partners to provide a comprehensive set of information, tools/templates and guidance suitable for the continued implementation (self-learning and integration of PSEA requirements into institutional, management and programme aspects of work)

Home Based

5 days 

By end February 2020

Prepare and deliver a training/ workshop to  selected UNICEF’s staff on the assessment process, and contextualised package of materials and tools to equip them to conduct assessments and provide support to partners to meet the UNICEF standards in this field.

Home Based

4 days

By 10th March 2020

Create generic PSEA materials for affected communities to be contextualized by the implementing partners with reporting mechanisms specific to their locations

Home Based

3 day

By end March 2020

Total number of working days

33 days 



V. Key Deliverables and Timeframe

This assignment is expected to commence on 15th November 2020. The consultant is expected to spend a total of 33 working days on this assignment. The Consultants are expected to produce the following key deliverables:

               Key Deliverables



Conduct the initial PSEA training

By 24thNovember 2020

Review the PSEA self-assessment for all current partners (up to 25), determine the risk ratings and develop an operationalized follow-up/support plan for all partners, including safeguarding policies. 

By 12th December 2020

Conduct the PSEA follow-up training/other capacity building support to the implementing partners, following the risk assessments

By 15th December 2021

Deliver a training/ workshop to the selected UNICEF’s staff on the assessment process, and contextualised package of materials and tools to equip them to conduct assessments and provide support to partners to meet the UNICEF standards in this field.

By 10th March 2020

Create generic PSEA materials for affected communities to be contextualized by the implementing partners with reporting mechanisms specific to their locations

By end March 2020

VI. Management and Organisation

Management: The Consultants will be supervised by the UNICEF Child Protection Officer. 

Organization: International Consultant will be required for this consultancy. If more than one consultant is engaged for the assignment, the fee for each consultant will be negotiated depending on their qualifications, the scope of work required from each consultant and the duration of their engagement. 

Schedule: This assignment will commence on 15th November 2020.  


VII. Qualifications/specialized knowledge/experience required to complete the task:

 The Consultants are expected to have the following qualifications/specialized knowledge/experience required to complete the task:


  •  Advanced university degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) in social sciences, gender or another related field. 


  • 7-10 years of professional experience in PSEA and/or SGBV, and/or gender mainstreaming – ideally with a focus in humanitarian and developing country context settings
  • Demonstrated experience with developing and facilitating training
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality and act with discretion and tact while working with sensitive issues
  • Skilled in use of computers and basic presentation software and ability to deliver online presentation
  • Demonstrated understanding of and experience with the UN system, NGOs, and INGOs
  • Previous work experience with UN/UNICEF or other international organization will be considered as an advantage;


  • Fluency in Montenegrin/Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian and English are required


  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Demonstrate abilities to meet deadlines
  • Ability to work in a team.


VIII. Application procedure: 

  • To apply for the vacant position please submit P11 form through “apply” button;  
  • Candidates are requested to submit a financial offer as a separate document consisting of a daily professional fee


IX. Selection Method: 

All applicants will be screened against qualifications and requirements set above. Candidates fully meeting all the requirements will be further evaluated based on the criteria below. 

  1. Technical Criteria – Interview – 70 % of total evaluation– max. 70 points •         Education: 10 points
    • Previous experience: 20 points
    • Technical questions at the interview: 30 points
    • Other: 10 points 

Only candidates who obtained at least 70% of points from the technical part (who will score at least 49 points) will be qualified for considering for financial proposal evaluation. 

 2.  Financial Criteria – 30 % of total evaluation – max. 30 points.

    • The lowest price proposal will be awarded the full score assigned to the commercial proposal as per formula: lowest offer / financial offer of the candidate x 30

The recommendation for award of contract will be based on best combination of technical and financial score. Based on verified nominations and final scores, contract negotiations could be initiated with one or more successful candidates.


a. Mandatory learning: Upon concluding the recruitment process and prior to signing the contract, all Consultants and Individual Contractors, including those working from home, must complete the following three online courses

    • Ethics and Integrity at UNICEF
    • Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
    • Sexual Exploitation Abuse (PSEA)

In addition, Consultants and Individual Contractors must complete the following course before commencement of any travel on behalf of UNICEF. 

    • BSAFE security training  

The courses can be found on the following link: UNICEF Mandatory Training/Learning Classes .  


b. Budget and Remuneration 

  •  Payment schedule – The payments will be made upon successful completion of the deliverables and submission of invoices. 
  • Recourse – UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines. 
  • Budget and Remuneration – Interested contractors are requested to submit their financial offer consisting of fee for the services to be provided, travel and subsistence costs, as applicable.




Advertised: Central European Standard Time
Deadline: Central European Standard Time

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