Launch and Awareness Programmes on The Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) & Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AHSA)

  • African Union – InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources
  • Consultancy
Career Category
  • Advocacy/Communications
Years of experience
  • 10+ years
  • Agriculture

Organizational Context

The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC). AU-IBAR is mandated to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources (livestock, fisheries and wildlife) to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the Member States of the African Union. AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the African Union Member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). AU-IBAR’s vision is of an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger. Founded in 1951 to study the epidemiological situation and fight rinderpest in Africa, AU-IBAR’s mandate covers all aspects of animal resources, including livestock, fisheries and wildlife, across the entire African continent, but fills a unique and strategic niche by working at continental and regional levels, with the RECs being key partners.

Background on the Livestock Development Programme for Africa (Live2Africa) and the Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AHSA)

In order to provide a common vision for the African continent in mainstreaming of livestock into national and regional agricultural investment plans within the framework of CAADP, AU-IBAR formulated a continent wide livestock development strategy. The Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) provides an opportunity to build consensus, mobilize stakeholders, and establish strong coordination and partnerships to drive the transformation of the sector in Africa. It also highlights the contribution of livestock to the Africa Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation Agenda as highlighted in the Malabo Declaration. The Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) is a flagship project that is supporting the implementation of the LiDeSA.

The Animal Health Strategy for Africa – AHSA (2019-2035) was developed by multi-stakeholders after a lengthy consultative process to provide a framework for delivering a sustainable animal health system in Africa that meets World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and other relevant global standards. The strategies are aligned to the LiDeSA and are within the framework of CAADP.

Both strategies are aligned to key global, continental and regional frameworks; such as the Agenda 2063, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This strengthens the means by which African Union institutions, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Member States and partners can adopt an integrated and holistic approach for the improvement of animal resources development in Africa.

Knowledge Management, Information, Communication and Advocacy is an integral part of the AU-IBAR’S efforts to improve the generation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge for sustainable animal resources development. AU-IBAR’s communication function serves several stakeholders such as livestock value chain actors, the business community and private sector, Member States, RECs, donors, academia and researchers, Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society.

Aim of Consultancy

As part of the roadmap in the implementation of the LiDeSA, AHSA, and AWSA, AU-IBAR seeks to engage firms with expertise in Science Communication (such as environment, sustainable development, animal resources, and agribusiness) and/or Public Relations to support in the production of high quality awareness and advocacy activities under the following lots:

  • LOT 1: Visibility on the LiDeSA and the Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa
  • LOT 2: Launch and Visibility on the Animal Health Strategy for Africa

Objectives of the Consultancies

  • Facilitate online webinar launch and visibility of the Animal Health Strategy for Africa, Animal Welfare Strategy and the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa;
  • Build campaign messages and key interventions on LiDeSA, or AHSA;
  • Enable greater outreach to designated target groups through the use of various messages and tools that will be used to create visibility on the strategies;
  • Better inform policymakers in AU Member Countries, the general public, and the media (particularly science communicators) about the strategy focus areas of the LiDeSA or AHSA;
  • To create awareness on the need for National, Regional policies, strategies and programs based on a holistic view of Livestock development and animal health as enshrined in the LiDeSA, or the AHSA respectively;
  • To create awareness on successful programme interventions on the continent in order to bring about a change in behavior leading to a wider use of the LiDeSA, or AHSA, and greater account of their positions and recommendations.

Consultancy Responsibilities

The consultancy firm(s) will be required to work with AU-IBAR in facilitating communication and publicity techniques that will give access and awareness to various stakeholder groupings. The activities to be implemented under each Lot include:

  • Organise webinar featuring a panel of experts to discuss pertinent issues/ topics on the LiDeSA and/or the AHSA. The webinar will provide an opportune time to also ‘launch’ either the LiDeSA, or AHSA online to a wide audience. The consultant will be expected to work with AU-IBAR in the logistics pertaining to moderating the event and key coverage and dissemination of the webinar on various media channels.
  • Produce a short 5-minute animated video for each strategy and intervention areas.
  • Produce a six-part podcast of expert interviews discussing either the LiDeSA or AHSA key interventions.
  • Write one (1) feature article on LiDeSA or AHSA
  • Facilitate the dissemination of the webinar(s), video(s), article and podcasts on key media websites and social media channels.
  • Produce an infographic on key aspects of the strategies and interventions.

Communication Targets

The consultancy firm(s) will be expected target the ‘’core target’’ in order of proximity to AU-IBAR. These include: Regional Economic Communities; for their role in the implementation, financing, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063 and flagship programmes, at particularly the regional levels; the animal health experts, and especially the experts that participate in Working Groups and ad hoc Groups or contribute to AU-IBAR programmes; these include experts of veterinary education establishments; the professionals (veterinarians, producers, traders) and their organisations, including some specialised NGOs; specialist associations, such as AYLFAIN and AWARFA-N; institutional partners: institutional donors, specialised health agencies, development agencies, European Commission, etc.) and other institutional partners (OIE, FAO, ILRI, WHO, World Bank, etc.) and even private sector partners.

In addition, indirect targets that comprise numerous potential audiences and users must be reached more effectively to increase the LiDeSA and Animal Health Strategy’s sphere of influence on the African continent. These will include Private foundations, NGOs and non-specialised stakeholder associations; the general public, and members of the public who are potential “consumers” of the strategy; and mainstream media (particularly media networks biased towards science reporting).

Key Results Expected

The main activities and results expected are:

Lot 1: LiDeSA and Live2Africa

  • A webinar featuring a panel of experts on the LiDeSA and key interventions on Live2Africa
  • A 6-part podcast series on the LiDeSA and Live2Africa
  • An animated video on the Live2Africa
  • An infographic highlighting key aspects of the LiDeSA and intervention areas
  • A feature article on LiDeSA/ Live2Africa
  • A report on dissemination and outreach achieved for the launch, video and podcasts

Lot 2: Animal Health Strategy for Africa

  • A webinar on expert panel, launch of the Animal Health Strategy for Africa and Visibility of the Animal Welfare Strategy for Africa
  • A 5-part podcast series on the State of Animal Health in Africa
  • An animated video on the Animal Health Strategy for Africa
  • An infographic highlighting key aspects of animal health in Africa and interventions.
  • A feature article on AHSA
  • A report on dissemination and outreach achieved for the launch, video and podcasts

Major Functional Activities

The key performance indicators under each lot for the firm will include:

  • Development and moderation of the webinar(s) in consultation with AU-IBAR.
  • Work closely with AU-IBAR in the production of an animated video on each Strategy.
  • Development and facilitation of a podcast programme and conduct interviews and dissemination of podcasts.
  • Undertake research and data collection on target audiences for the assigned tasks.
  • Liaising with the AU-IBAR to ensure the final products are accurate and visually of the highest quality.
  • Delivery of a final report on outreach and coverage dissemination, ensuring that audience feedback is reflected in the report.

Representation / Work relationships

The firm will be under the overall mandate of the Director, AU-IBAR, but will be supervised by the Senior Knowledge Management Officer. The consultant will also engage with AU-IBAR programme staff and stakeholders.

Duration of the Assignments

Activities under each lot should be conducted for a period of 50 (fifty) working days spread over 90 days. The firms are expected to provide a roadmap in their proposal. The assignment will start immediately after signature of the contract by both parties.

Minimum Recruitment Qualifications


A mix of qualifications in one or combination of the following at Master’s Degree level: Science Communications, Public Relations, Audio-Visual Production, Development Studies, Agriculture, Animal Resources Management, or Policy Studies.


At least ten years’ experience in programme development for radio, television and/or online broadcast/ Public Relations and undertaking similar assignments with positive results.



  • At least 10 years progressively responsible experience in Development and/or Science Communications or Public Relations, including work with international organizations, rural development, and government services, in the relevant mainstreaming areas for the assignment.
  • At least 8 years’ experience in digital animation production;
  • Ability to brainstorm creative angles and hooks that can enable campaigns to stand out from the crowd and reach target audiences;
  • Ability to build relationships/ partnerships for online coverage, and non-broadcast Public Relations with sister companies and partners;
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with people from other countries, culture, tailoring language, tone, style and format to match audience;
  • Ability to work well in a team and to engage positively with other team members;
  • Capacity to deliver high quality ready for publication documents and communication products in a timely manner.

Given the innovative nature of the assignments, AU-IBAR is looking for firms that varying ability of staff above the minimum threshold stated.

Language Requirements

Native or bilingual level proficiency (verbal and written) in English is essential. Knowledge of a second language (French, Arabic or Portuguese) is desirable.

Instructions for Potential Firms

Applicants are required to include both a technical and financial proposal for the lot they will apply to.

A technical proposal indicating the approach to the assignment, including the proposed methodology and work plan, objectives, activities to be carried out, expected outputs, outline of the content and a clear timeframe to carry out the assignment.

A financial proposal for the consultancy should be all inclusive (consultancy fees, and any other cost).

This consultancy assignment does not carry any expectation of employment, extension or conversion to another type of contract with AU-IBAR. The various copywriting services will be commissioned on a per job basis/ knowledge product basis.

This invitation is open only to agencies/firms.


The payment will be in two phases. The first payment (30%) will be made upon signing of the contract. The second payment (70%) will be made upon completion of the assignment.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications from qualified firms will be desk reviewed by the selection panel. The best 2 firms will be further interviewed or engaged in the assignments.

Technical Scoring

The evaluation of the Technical Proposal will weigh 70% of the total rating and will be evaluated against the Minimum recruitment qualifications and competencies.

Financial Evaluation

The evaluation of the financial proposal will weigh 30% of the total rating. The financial proposal will be evaluated on the basis of total cost, cost realism and used in combination with the assessment of the technical quality to determine the best value for money.

How to apply

How to Submit

Firms may apply for one or more Lots, but will be required to prepare separate bids for each Lot.

The entire proposal, including all supporting documentation should not be no longer than 8 A4 pages in length, and should be emailed as a single document to: [email protected], with a copy to [email protected], by no later than 12.00 noon East African Time on 24th September, 2020.

Specific questions not answered either in this call may be emailed to: [email protected]

To help us with our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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