National consultancy on technical Assistance to MoHSPP on assessment and implementation of WASH services in primary and secondary HCFs in Tajikistan


National consultancy on technical Assistance to MoHSPP on assessment and implementation of WASH services in primary and secondary HCFs in Tajikistan

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Job no: 539144
Contract type: Consultancy
Level: NO-3
Location: Tajikistan
Categories: WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), NO-3, Consultancy

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child,

Key WASH indicators for Tajikistan remains less than optimal. Tajikistan is a member of the High-Level Panel on Water launched by the World Bank and the United Nations and has announced its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-6) to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Tajikistan also committed to achievement of the SDGs and recognized the access to WASH in schools and health facilities as important favourable conditions for Sustainable Development in its National Development Strategy 2030, National Water Sector Strategy (2020 – 2030) and Water and Sanitation Plans and National Programme for Children that are in the process of development and endorsement.

In the framework of EU-funded Health Development Programme, 2020 – 2025, UNICEF has committed to respond to critical WASH and HWM needs in the context of COVID-19 on equipping 1,500 primary health care (PHC) facilities at sub-district level with basic WASH and HWM needs and provision of sustainable WASH services in 50 HCFs at secondary / district level, e.g. district level hospitals (maternity, paediatrics and surgery departments), infectious disease hospitals, laboratories across the country.

In line with the UNICEF global supplies requirements / guidelines, the UNICEF WASH construction work requires the expertise of an Engineer to manage all technical matters associated with the projects which includes: designs, specifications, bill of quantities, tendering, monitoring of construction works, certification of payment to contractors etc.

Presently, the Health and Nutrition Programme under which the WASH programme is situated requires this technical capacity during the assessment and implementation stages, thus in a need to hire an Engineer with strong expertise on Health Care Waste Management and construction to provide expert advice and oversee the management of construction works in compliance with national and international standards.

Full TOR can be found through the link: Technical Assistance to MoHSPP on assessment and implementation of WASH services in primary and secondary HCFs in Tajikistan

 How can you make a difference?

PURPOSE: Under the overall oversight of the Chief, Health and Nutrition and under the direct supervision of WASH Specialist (international Professional), the consultant (WASH in HCF) will work closely with contracted companies and government entities on the planning and implementation of the WASH in HCF component of the project in HCF. The consultant will provide on-going technical guidance and support to government engineering entities / private consulting firms to carry out assessments, designing of WASH facilities at HCF, bill of quantities, etc. for the construction work and assure quality of all processes pertaining to the WASH in HCF construction and equipment supply standards.  The consultant will also play a key role in facilitating the verification of works carried out and processing of contractor’s payments in close coordination with UNICEF WASH Team.


Please see overall project scope as annexed to understand linkages to the assignment.

This assignment has two main components:

The core responsibilities of the consultant are:

  1. During PHASE 1: Providing technical support to UNICEF and MoHSP by working closely with the contracted firm during the assessment phase of the project. This would entail ensuring a thorough understanding of the WASH in HCF component of the project and the scope of work while being assessed by the contracted firm. The consultant will provide support on reviewing assessment tools, field monitoring of the assessment process, review of the assessment findings, technical support on designs of WASH infrastructure and costing in compliance with agreed standards.
  2. During PHASE 2: Provide technical support to UNICEF and MoHSP in terms of quality assurance of the implementation phase specifically on the WASH in Primary and Secondary Health Care component of the project. The consultant will start with supporting the UNICEF WASH team during the bidding process of the construction works and determine technical capacities on WASH. Furthermore, it will include working closely with the contracted firms to ensure timely construction of the planned WASH facilities in the targeted HCFs and provision of equipment as per the agreed standards. The consultant will also support the certification process of the completed work in compliance with the agreed scope of work and standards and in close coordination with relevant stakeholders.

The main tasks to be performed by the consultant are:


  • Work closely with UNICEF WASH Team and the contracted firm to provide support on the technical assessment with specific focus on WASH in line with agreed standards and local rules applicable.
  • Support the contracted firm during the technical assessment in terms of development of methodology, suitable tools, ensuring correct understanding of scope of work in compliance with agreed standards and international best practices while in close coordination with UNICEF WASH Specialist
  • Provide support in term of field visits to the project sites extensively as agreed with UNICEF WASH team to validate the finding of the assessment carried out by the contracted firm. The findings of the field visit should also be coordinated and discussed with the International Consultant on Healthcare Waste Management.
  • Work closely with MoHSP including the Construction department and Local Hukumat Construction Department (which also represents Committee on Construction and Architecture (CoCA) which is a regulatory body for construction works, designs and standards) to ensure relevant involvement of the concerned staff and approvals are obtained by the contacted firm before the construction process begins.
  • Advise and supervise the contracted firm on the specification, design and BoQ of the handwashing stands and its installation connected to available water source or inbuilt water reservoir at the targeted primary health care facilities (final list is yet to be obtained from the Ministry) in line with agreed standards and best practices. This will also include coordinating with relevant government departments for approvals before beginning the work and later certification processes after completion. The scope of work will include the following;
  • Two washstands (made from 1.5 mm metal sheet, with two-layer painting to protect against corrosion, a frame, side trim, a door, a 20-liter tank, a metal washbasin, tap and siphon) per health facility with tank (20 liters water capacity) with used water receptacles. The reservoir is to be filled manually with water where running water is not available on the premises of the PHC.
  • Where running water is available, the handwashing stands to be connected to the existing water supply and sewage system. The tank of the handwashing stand is to be periodically filled with water from the main source when it is running. In case of interruptions in water supply, the handwashing stand tank will be used as a backup option for water supply to the stand. A valve will be installed and a system of pipelines for water supply and drainage to be connected.
  • Advise and supervise the contracted firm on the specification, design and BoQ development of WASH equipment and construction works at the targeted secondary health care facilities in line with agreed standards and best practices including;
  • 24 hours supply of hot and cold water in prioritized departments (infectious diseases departments/hospitals, and maternity, pediatrics, surgical departments).
  • All rooms/wards in prioritized departments to be fitted with washbasins and washable floors and tol be connected to hot and cold water.
  • All departments to have water flushable toilets; bathrooms with bidets and bath basins/showers for both patients and staff use and an external toilet for visitors will be constructed/rehabilitated. Bathrooms and toilets to be connected to water supply and sewage system.
  • To ensure uninterrupted supply of water to the prioritized departments, a central water tower or reservoir and water pumps according to the health facility need to be installed.
  • Connection of all plumbing outlets to local hospital/centralized sewage system.
  • Small repairs and renovation of walls and floors to bring them up to IPC standard where necessary.
  • Review the final assessment report, designs and BoQs submitted by the contracted firm with WASH lens and share feedback with UNICEF WASH Specialist and WASH Engineer.


  • Provide technical input to the preparation of ToR/tender for Request for Proposals (RFP) and facilitating timely launch of the RFP; pre-biding technical briefing, site visits and technical assistance to the Procurement department in responding to any complaints/clarifications required from bidders in line with related guidance, laws and regulations;
  • Provide technical support on WASH in HCF for the evaluation of tenders, compilation of final bid evaluation result and throughout the bidding and contractor selection process while ensuring conformity with UNICEF supply rules.
  • Carry out quality assurance of the WASH in HCF component of the project to ensure the construction / rehabilitation works and provision of agreed equipment are in line with the agreed standards at all stages.
  • In coordination with UNICEF WASH Specialist, organise regular meetings with the contracted engineering firms and technical focal points from the relevant government ministries and department to ensure agreed quality of work and timely completion of activities.
  • Establish a periodic reporting schedule for supervising engineers (of the contacted firm), review progress report documents, certify contractors bill presented by the entity responsible for technical supervision and photo documentation of implementation of works in close coordination with UNICEF and MoHSP.
  • Reviewing any changes in the scope of work that may arise during implementation, assuring proper documentation, approval and reporting;
  • Work closely with UNICEF team and advise on payment requests submitted by contractors that have been duly certified by the supervising engineer in order to be submitted for processing of payment;
  • Follow up with supervising engineers on the process of project implementation from: initial site hand over, to substantial completion and temporary acceptance of the work, through Defects Liability Period, to completion and final acceptance of the works;
  • Provide on-demand support to the contractors and project team throughout the duration of this assignment as required on the specific aspects related to the WASH in HCF such as water source, supply system and network in HCFs, suitable equipment, designs of toilets and bathing facilities in line with IPC rules, engineering challenges and hygiene aspects pertaining to IPC etc
  • Contribute to writing periodic and ad-hoc donor reporting.

 KEY DELIVERABLES/TIMEFRAME/PAYMENT SCHEDULE: can be found through the link mentioned above.

Note: Due to COIVD-19, the work and deliverables are subject to change. Consultant need to be flexible to adjust to any unforeseen adjustments that might occur during the implementation.

 Performance indicators for the evaluation of results:

The evaluation of the results will be based on:

  1. Technical and professional competence (quality of the products delivered to UNICEF);
  2. Scope of work;
  3. Quality of work (quality of processes and deliverables mentioned);
  4. Quantity of work (completing the tasks indicated in the table above within the set timeframe)

In addition, such indicators as work relations, responsibility, drive for results, and communication will be taken into account during the evaluation of the Consultant’s work.

Estimated duration of contract and remuneration: 345 w/d, 11.5 Months spread between April, 2021 – December, 2022.

Duty station: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

On-site working days: 345 w/ds

Off-site working days: N/A

Supervisor: WASH Specialist (IP), UNICEF Tajikistan

Reporting to: WASH Specialist (IP), UNICEF Tajikistan

Travel involved: International consultant is expected to travel to Tajikistan. Travel plans to be pre-approved and agreed to by UNICEF Tajikistan.
Travel paid for by UNICEF shall be based on economy class travel, regardless of the length of travel. Costs for accommodation, meals and incidentals shall not exceed applicable daily subsistence allowance (DSA) rates, as promulgated by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for assuming costs for obtaining visas and travel insurance.

Insurances: UNICEF does not provide or arrange life or health insurance coverage for consultants and individual contractors, and consultants and individual contractors are not eligible to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to United Nations staff members. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for assuming all costs related to required inoculations, vaccinations and medical examinations.
Consultants and individual contractors are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering the period of their services as they consider appropriate. The responsibility of UNICEF is limited solely to the payment of compensation for service-incurred death, injury or illness as per the provisions detailed below.

Recourse: UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.

Ethical considerations: Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that the process responds to quality and ethical requirements. The contracted consultant should be sensitive to beliefs, manners, and customs and act with integrity and honesty in their relationships with all stakeholders. It should also protect the anonymity and confidentiality of individual information.

Mandatory trainings: Consultants and individual contractors, regardless of contract duration, must complete the applicable mandatory trainings. The link will be provided during the selection process for the successful candidates.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have: 

Education: A university degree in one of the following fields is required: public health, civil engineering, sanitary and environmental engineering, water resource management, sanitation engineering or another relevant technical field.

Work Experience: a minimum of eight years of professional work experience in the field of IPC, Water resource Management, WASH in HCFs, Environmental Sanitation experience working with top management of national ministries and local authorities or providing similar consultancy services to International organizations focusing on WASH in HCFs.

Competencies: В Strong analytical and conceptual thinking. Excellent writing skills. Excellent communication and presentation skills with stakeholders and the ability to work under pressure and commitment to work to a tight timeframe.

Language: В Excellent working knowledge and communication in the Tajik and Russian languages required.  Basic working knowledge of English is an asset.


Qualified candidates are requested to submit:

  1. Cover letter/application/CV.
  2. A technical proposal with the proposed methodology/approach to managing the project, showing understanding of tasks.
  3. Work plan.
  4. Financial quote for the consultancy in Tajik Somoni per deliverable, stating also the timeframe for completion of deliverable and/or daily rate in Tajik Somoni.
  5. Examples of previous, relevant work related to the deliverables.
  6. At least two references

Queries can be sent to: [email protected]В  with subject line Technical Assistance to MoHSPP on assessment and implementation of WASH services in primary and secondary HCFs in Tajikistan.

Applications must be received in the system by the 12 April, 2021 at our website:

Travel costs and DSA will be covered in accordance with UN rules and regulations. No other remunerations apply. As a general principle, the fees payable to a consultant or individual contractor follow the “best value for money” principle, i.e., achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible cost.

Please note that consultants and individual contractors are responsible for assuming costs for obtaining visas and travel insurance.


Individual consultants/contractors will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis methodology. The award of the Contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and b) having received the highest score out of a weighted set of technical and financial criteria.

During the selection, the ratio between the technical evaluation and commercial offer is 70 to 30.

Only candidates who obtain a minimum of 49 points in the Technical Criteria evaluation will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

 Financial Proposal

Please provide an all-inclusive price for delivering professional services in accordance with the assignment described under this TOR.

The formula for the rating of the Financial Proposals will be as follows:

FP Rating = (Lowest Priced Offer / Price of the Offer Being Reviewed) x 100

For every Child, you demonstrate:

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

View our competency framework at

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Advertised: West Asia Standard Time
Deadline: West Asia Standard Time

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