National WASH Consultant – Cluster Coordinator-WASH in Emergencies

National WASH Consultant – Cluster Coordinator-WASH in Emergencies

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Job no: 545204
Contract type: Consultancy
Level: Consultancy
Location: Bangladesh
Categories: WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

Purpose of the Assignment:

Bangladesh is considered one of the most vulnerable countries that are likely to face the adverse impacts of climate change (IPCC, 2014; Rahman, 2018). Approximately 80% of the country is floodplain that drains water from big rivers like the Brahmaputra, Padma, and Meghna to the Bay of Bengal in the south- the floodplain communities are highly exposed to frequent hazards and low per capita income only increases their risk (Brouwer et al., 2007). Moreover, evidence of climate change and sea-level rise suggest that coastal communities of Bangladesh are likely to face more frequent cyclones and storm surge events in the future. Recurring disasters in Bangladesh cause loss and damage to life, resources, infrastructure and impede long-term social and economic development.

UNICEF (as the lead agency for the IASC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene cluster), and in collaboration with the relevant line ministries of Government of Bangladesh, aims to ensure a well-coordinated, strategic, adequate, coherent, and effective response of WASH partners in Emergency.

Work Assignment Overview:

Tasks/Milestone Deliverables/Outputs Timeframe

WASH Cluster Coordination Mechanisms

  • Support national and local authorities to ensure coordination mechanisms between all WASH humanitarian partners
  • Support WASH Cluster to advocate for donors to fund WASH actors to carry out prioritized WASH activities in the sector concerned
  • Focal point for Information Management in WASH cluster and prepare emergency Sitrep
  • Provide technical inputs into Humanitarian Preparedness and Response Plan (HRP and HPRP) 
  • Link Humanitarian and Development Nexus (HDN) components into WASH interventions

-WASH Cluster monthly Meeting report # of WASH Cluster Meetings

-Update WASH cluster member list

-WASH inputs for monthly South Asia Humanitarian Sitrep 

-Review 2021 Annual Workplan

-Draft 2022 Cluster Work plan

32 days

Needs Assessment, analysis and strategy development

Support effective and efficient WASH assessment and analysis involving all relevant partners and identify gaps in capacities and system strengthening

Support the government to ensure WASH sector, its partners and technical working groups agree on technical standards, strategies and action plans in line with national relevant policies, guidelines and governmental commitments.

-Conduct Technical working groups meeting

-Inputs WASH Need Assessment

-Inputs Gender in WASH Response

-Launch National compendium of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) technologies in emergencies

– Draft WASH Cluster Strategic Operational Framework (SOF)

22 days

Monitoring and Reporting

Ensure adequate monitoring mechanisms are in place to review outcomes of WASH interventions and progress against strategies and action plans

Coordinate field WASH colleagues to provide inputs and consolidate in donor reports

Provide technical inputs into donor reports and budget and collect quality accurate data in a timely manner 

Conduct Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) 

– Conduct Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) Assessment (its needs 4 months -November-2021-Feb 2022) for reporting on SMQ

– Update the focal points for cross-cutting issues, Gender and protection and Disability Inclusions

22 days

Intersectoral coordination and advocacy

Identify core WASH bottlenecks and challenges and advocate including resource requirements and contribute key messages to broader advocacy initiatives of humanitarian stakeholders

Advocate for resource mobilization as a cluster lead under Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT)

Build and strengthen strategic partnerships with government counterparts, UN agencies, donor agencies, WASH institutions, NGOs, research institutes and the private sector to stimulate coordination and collaboration.

Participate in inter-agency discussions, ensuring that UNICEF’s position, interests and priorities are fully considered and integrated in the planning and agenda setting

-Advocate for WASH Humanitarian  

-Inputs In-Clusters coordination meeting

-Inputs Cluster and Working Group meeting 

-Inputs Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) meeting

-Support government and cluster members to implement

Nexus Strategy

22 days

UNICEF WASH in Emergency Responses

Manage all aspects of UNICEF’s preparedness for WASH in emergencies

Develop proposals and Budgeting

Support emergency preparedness and risk-informed programming (Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), climate change, etc)

Draft the WASH inputs for the situation analysis. Provide comprehensive and current data to inform WASH policy and programme development, planning, management and implementation. Keep abreast of WASH sector developments, for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in WASH programme design, management and implementation.

Participate in monitoring and evaluation exercises, programme reviews and annual sectoral reviews with government and other partners and prepare reports for the Chief WASH and CO management.

Provide inputs into Emergency Preparedness Platform (EPP) and update

Provide technical inputs into sitreps against Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) on a quarterly basis and promote Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) for programme documents

Coordinate and support Anticipatory Approach for floods in collaboration with UN agencies (FAO, WFP, UNFPA etc)

Coordinate and update WASH supply prepositioning in consultation with supply section

Support field offices to develop contingency and Humanitarian programme documents  

Local Consultative Group – Water and Sanitation

Focal Point for Sub-thematic group – WASH in Emergency and Disaster Response

Act as secretariat for the working group and convene and co-chair meetings, lead development of knowledge products and workplans


-WASH update (Section and Cluster) Monthly meeting with Emergency Focal Points (EFPs)

– Update Emergency Preparedness Platform (EPP) yearly

– Coordinate and support Anticipatory Approach for floods in collaboration with UN agencies (FAO, WFP, UNFPA etc)

– WASH inputs Monthly and Quarterly sitrep and humanitarian update on HAC

– Yearly Humanitarian Sitrep (Jan -Dec) 2021

– Support DPHE and WASA to implementation COVID-19 response project and Donor reporting

– Yearly Update Emergency WASH Supply plan

– Contingency PD for Earthquake response (meeting with BDRCS and developing PD)

-WASH in Emergency and Disaster Response SDP thematic group functional and – take a lead in Emergency and Disaster Response issues in WASH sector development




Educational Qualifications and Skills required:

-Masters in Institutional development, public policy, business, geography and the environment, Disaster Management to WASH 

-At least 5/8 years progressively responsible humanitarian work experience with UN and/or NGO, including programme management and/or coordination in the first phase of a major emergency response relevant to the cluster

-Understands key technical issues for the WASH in Emergency (WiE) Working Group sufficiently well enough to be able to: engage with WiE Working Group participants; make full use of their experience and knowledge; guide strategy and plans; communicate and advocate on important issues.

-Understands the rationale behind Humanitarian Reform, its main components and recent developments including the Transformative Agenda.

-Familiar with children’s rights and gender in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Previous experience within UNICEF is an asset

-Demonstrates ability to work harmoniously in a multi-cultural environment and establishes harmonious & effective working relationship both within and outside an organization

-Communicates, works and networks effectively with a wide range of people to reach broad consensus on a well-coordinated response, and demonstrates leadership where required.

-Excellent analytical and writing skills, advocacy and presentational skills an asset.

-Fluency in English required. Working knowledge of local language is an asset.


Administrative Detail:

Work Modality:   Full time basis from WASH Section in UNICEF Country Office in Dhaka

Travel & DSA:  Based on UNICEF rules and procedures – if applicable

Payment:  Payment will be made on successful completion of each deliverable and upon certification from supervisor

Advertised: Bangladesh Standard Time
Deadline: Bangladesh Standard Time

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