Photographer for UN Women Projects on Normalization and Peacebuilding in the BARMM


The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao continues to face its transforming security challenges with the added layer of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The new government adheres to its commitment to the peace process and is on track in its setting up of the necessary mechanisms and processes that will ensure sustainability of the peace dividends.  Moreover, the agenda of women and gender equality had been gaining headways through the leadership of a new office, the Bangsamoro Women’s Commission. 


Along these developments, the UN Women continues its implementation of flagship women, peace and security projects in the BARMM that position women’s leadership and participation across formal spheres and processes.  This year, the organization will implement components of the Peacebuilding Fund Project Phase 3 (PBF 3) along with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).  PBF 3 aims to promote conflict prevention, social cohesion and community resilience in BARMM in the time of COVID-19 through transformation of women ex-combatants, marginalized women and youth into agents of peace.


 Another project currently running supports the process of normalization in the BARMM which was beset by challenges brought by the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic.  Project “Supporting the normalization process towards peace and security in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in the Philippines” aims to promote a gender-sensitive normalization process. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime co-implements this project by introducing interventions to the formal security sector while UN Women focuses on harnessing the capacities of women in promoting community security and safety at the grassroots level.


With these, UN Women requires the services of a professional photographer who will capture the visual documentation of the key activities in the two aforementioned projects.  The photographer is expected to cover all the key events and produce visual outputs that shall form part of the collective knowledge products of UN Women.


Duties and Responsibilities

The photographer is expected to support the two projects mentioned by catering to major activities that will require photo and video documentation.  He/she is specifically expected to undertake the following:


  1. To provide digital color photographic and video coverage of Peacebuilding and Normalization in the BARMM projects especially the major milestones and activities in the field;
  2. To create an online databank of visual documentation which will be used as repository of action photos and videos;
  3. To develop four (4) visual narratives (can be in photo or video) containing topics and activities from the quarterly implementation; and
  4. To support the Communications and Development consultant in the development of regular project snapshots and press releases.


  1. Expected deliverables and timelines


Tasks and Deliverables

Target Dates


Develop the Inception Plan for the Consultancy as Photographer for the following projects:

  1. UN Peacebuilding Fund Phase 3 (PBF3) ;
  2. Normalization and WPS in BARMM


Deliverable: Inception Plan Containing the agreed deliverables and timelines in the Project and the media to be used for capturing and popularizing these stories

March 30


Support the production of photos/videos of three women stories from the WPS projects focusing on these key activities:

  1. Journeying sessions of women on the intersectionalities on Conflict Mediation
  2. Policies that matter: what are the policy direction priorities for BWC(for BARMM) and CSOs (at the community level) on Peacebuilding and Conflict Mediation
  3. IP women & communities in conflict-targeting their needs and helping them build their dreams


Deliverable: One (1) visual outputs (video or photo) as determined by the WPS technical team from 1Q implementation

April 30


Support the production of photos/videos  for  the three women stories from the WPS projects focusing on these topics:

  1. How to strategize and approach Advocacy and IEC in BARMM for Peacebuilding at the most challenging of times
  2. From knowledge to action: trained women mediators  implement their plans to ensure security and safety  in their communities
  3. What does gender-sensitive Community Policing for BARMM look like? Initial Findings on CSOP Framework for BARMM by GZOPI


Deliverable One (1) visual outputs (video or photo) as determined by the WPS technical team from 2Q implementation


July 15


Support the production of photos/videos  for  the three women stories from the WPS projects focusing on these topics:


  1. BIWAB Featurette: how women fighters became women peacebuilders (gains from the project)
  2. LGU response to CSO Advocacy strategies-what policies and program are implemented and supports in building peaceful communities
  3. Roles that women play in Community Safety and Security-Evidences from the project


Deliverable: One (1) visual outputs (video or photo) as determined by the WPS technical team from 3Q implementation


October 15


Support the production of photos  for  the three women stories from the WPS projects focusing on these topics:


  1. BWC in focus: from transition and beyond. Agency-level enhancements through the technical support of UN Women
  2. Women and BPATS:  how community women able to shape and improve community-level security structures including local mechanism
  3. Livelihood and Women’s Coops for Peace-the road ahead; reaching out to the most affected  and fostering inclusivity


Deliverable: One (1) visual outputs (video or photo) as determined by the WPS technical team from 4Q implementation




December 15




  1. Final products and deliverables


The consultant must deliver photos and/or videos of individuals and situations as assigned by UN Women. The photos must be delivered in digital format. He/she is likewise responsible in managing the databank of visuals produced in the project implementation timeline.  Lastly, he/she is expected to support the Communications and Development Consultant in developing content for regular press releases.


Specific requirement for photo submission:

  • Colour. Photos must be made and delivered in color. Adobe RGB is the preferred color space for high resolution JPEGs. Color filtering or stylistic adjustments (extreme contrast, high saturation, etc.) are highly discouraged, and original out-of-camera images may be requested if processing is unacceptable
  • Flash card or through links for downloads
  • Deliver photographs at highest resolution as jpeg or raw files (minimum requirements: 300 dpi at 8 x 10 inches)
  • Deliver photographs at highest resolution as jpeg or raw flies (minimum requirements: 300 dpi at 8 x 10 inches);
  • An optimized edit of 15-20 of the best photos from each assignment, with individual captions embedded in the metadata. In addition, the full take of all the original images should be delivered following the assignment;
  • The final submission must include the entire take of all photographs from the assignment and a selection of approximately the 30 best photographs edited and optimized in high resolution with metadata in all of the photographs, as required below;
  • All digital photographs must contain complete caption information in “file info” and separate word format captions list. Caption information should consist of: date, place, subject names and age, and brief description of the situation photographed;
  • The sets of digital images will be delivered via links for downloads together with caption Information and one set will be emailed via Dropbox or other on-line delivery services;
  • Provide caption information to be incorporated into the metadata of the photograph flies via Adobe Bridge, Adobe Lightroom, Photo Mechanic or other photo application/software, including: full names of participants and businesses/projects; city/town/village/district; country; date; relevant to UN Women’s work;
  • Provide Consultant’s name and details using the following credit format: “Photo: UN Women Country Name/ Photographer First Name Last Name”;
  • For field assignments, photographs of women engaged in the following industries: agro-processing, eco-tourism, renewable energy sectors in following thematic areas: peace and social cohesion, migration, economic empowerment, youth participation, disaster reduction and humanitarian responses. Photos should capture women’s participation in various aspects – production, marketing, and trade of green products and services; primarily horizontal shots; dramatic angles; close-up, midrange and wide-angle shots, for example.

Warranties, Consent, and Intellectual Property:

  1. The Consultant represents and warrants that he/she has not, and undertakes that he/she shall not, infringe any third-party intellectual property rights in performing any activities pursuant to the Contract. The Consultant represents and warrants that that he/she shall perform the activities pursuant to the UN Women Photo Policy and Guidelines including obtaining written consent when required, including from survivors of violence and from the legal guardian/s of children under 18 years of age (mandatory use of UN Women consent form within the UN Women Photo Policy and Guidelines.


  1. The Consultant shall indemnify, hold and save harmless, and defend, at its own expense, UN Women, its officials, employees, consultants, agents or other representatives from and against all suits, claims, demands, and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses arising out the Consultant’s violations of the representations and warranties above.


  1. The indemnity set forth, above, shall not apply to:
  1. A claim of infringement resulting from the Consultant’s compliance with specific written instructions by UN Women directing a change in the specifications for the Deliverables or directing a manner of performance of the Contract not normally used by the Consultant; or
  2. A claim of infringement resulting from additions to or changes in any Deliverables furnished under the Contract if UN Women or another party acting under the direction of UN Women made the changes.


  1. UN Women shall advise the Consultant about any such suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses or liability within a reasonable period of time after having received actual notice thereof. The Consultant shall have sole control of the defence of any such suit, proceeding, claim or demand and of all negotiations in connection with the settlement or compromise thereof, except with respect to the assertion or defense of the privileges and immunities of UN Women or any matter relating thereto, for which only UN Women itself is authorized to assert and maintain. UN Women shall have the right, at its own expense, to be represented in any such suit, proceeding, claim or demand by independent counsel of its own choosing.



  1. UN Women confirms that the whole of the copyright present, future or contingent whatsoever and all other right, title and interest in and to the Deliverables shall be vested in the Consultant throughout the world in accordance with all applicable copyright laws. The Consultant further acknowledges and agrees that UN Women shall have the unconditional non-exclusive and perpetual right to make use of the Deliverables including but not limited to the entire take of all photographs from the Assignment in such manner as UN Women shall in its sole discretion think fit including without limitation the right to include the Deliverables on its own website and/or in any other public relations materials used to promote UN Women. UN Women may re-edit the Deliverables or any part thereof as convenient for its own exploitation of the Deliverables in any medium. UN Women may provide the Deliverables to other UN agencies and the media at no cost and may apply a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-NoDeriv 2.0 Generic license to the Deliverables.



Key duties and responsibilities:


  • Abide by the UN Women Photo Policy and Guidelines;
  • Successfully capture and emotionally express the core elements of the situation assigned for coverage;
  • Cover a range of related subjects (different components of events/activities, as well as general photographs that illustrate the real, positive and negative, situation of women and girls);
  • Provide different visual perspectives (close-up, medium range, long distance), mostly horizontal with a small number of vertical shots;
  • Make sure pictures are technically good (properly exposed, processed and framed);
  • Supply all photographic equipment, professional digital camera and a range of accessories, and agrees to provide rough edit selections of best images, with complete caption information;
  • Supply complete caption information embedded on the picture and in word document running caption list that references the file name of each image, with appropriate background information. All subjects should be identified by what they do, if not self-evident. Names of places are essential, including whether the location is a village, town, district, for instance;
  • All digital images together with complete caption information should be submitted to the National Project Officer-Cotabato in a maximum one-week time for publications and same day for special events;
  • The Consultant has the right to be credited, implying that their name should accompany all originals and reproductions of their work; The credit includes UN Women and the photographer name.
  • UN Women has first selection rights to all originals taken on this assignment with non-exclusive concomitant world rights in all media in perpetuity.


UN Women will provide the following support to the consultant:


  • Briefing and detailed explanation of the kind of photos needed and help in defining the best contents of photos for different purposes;
  • Programme information and editorial guidance to the Consultant to enable him/her to understand the Deliverables required and generate captions to embed in the photographs;
  • Assistance in acquiring access to specific locations in the form of a letter confirming that the consultant is on an assignment commissioned by UN Women.
  • A UN Women staff member to accompany the Consultant to the selected project site.


Knowledge and experience:

Experiences in capturing photo and video documentation on gender equality programming in the government and women empowerment, peace and security in the Philippines;

  • Excellent photography skills, with significant photo and video outputs on the security sector, peace and security and/or gender mainstreaming in the Philippines;  
  • Fluency in English and Tagalog.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the United Nations’ values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes vision, mission and strategic goals of the UN and UN Women;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Ability and willingness to work as part of a team to meet tight deadlines and produce high quality work.


Confidentiality and Copyrights

  • All photos and vidoes compiled by or received by the Contractor in connection with this contract shall be property of UN Women, shall be treated as confidential and shall be delivered only to duly authorized UN Women officials on completion of the work or services under the contract.
  • In no event shall the contents of such photos and vidoes or any information known or made known to the Contractor by reason of its association with UN Women be made known by the Contractor to any unauthorized person without the written approval of UN Women.


Required Skills and Experience


  • At least Secondary Education or completed any college degree;
  • At least two years working experience in photography with a record of providing high-quality, creative, images for clients where at least a year of which must be with an international organizations;
  • Have own camera and other photography equipment;
  • Have worked with any UN Women or any UN agency in previous engagements
  • Certain familiarity with development programmes/issues in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) or any part of Mindanao is an asset;
  • Fluency in Filipino will be an advantage.

To help us with our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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