Provision of Roadshow Services in Busia and Bungoma

  • Practical Action
  • Job
Career Category
  • Logistics/Procurement
Years of experience
  • 5-9 years

Practical Action


Practical Action is a change-making organization that works in unconventional ways. We bring people together in bold collaborations, using knowledge and innovation, to build futures free from poverty and help shape a world that works better for everyone. We put ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world.

We are an international development agency with more than 50 years’ experience in development and scaling of a range of technologies appropriate to the needs of the poor. Working throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America, Practical Action improves the lives of around one million people every year through access to energy, sustainable agriculture, water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management, and disaster risk reduction.

We are a trusted partner of many communities, governments, development agencies and the private sector. We are uniquely placed as a knowledge broker with a breadth of capacities which enable us to capture and share knowledge in relevant ways for our diverse audiences. We are influential at national level where we work, and globally and considered a “go-to” agency by those seeking to improve lives for men and women living in or vulnerable to poverty.

Our vision is a world where all people have access to the technologies that enable them to meet their basic needs and reach their potential, in a way that safeguards the planet today, and for future generations.

In pursuit of our Vision and Mission, we are committed to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment through all our work including programmes, knowledge sharing, advocacy, external communications, and also through our own organizational development.

Project Background

Practical Action is currently implementing an alternative fuels’ project dubbed ‘Access to Alternative Fuels for Cooking and Productive Use in Kenya project’ in peri-urban and rural areas of Bungoma and Busia Counties.

The specific project objective of the project is to increase access to alternative fuels for cooking and productive use through market development support for alternative fuel entrepreneurs The key intervention area is to provide market development support for alternative fuel entrepreneurs to grow sustainable businesses and increase access of alternative fuels for households and institutions; as well as for productive use.

Justification of the assignment

There is need to target users and potential users of alternative fuel products (briquettes, bio-ethanol and pellets) with relevant information to increase their knowledge and interest; for increased uptake of the energy products and services. The roadshows are therefore aimed at increasing consumer demand for fuel briquettes, fuel pellets, bio-ethanol fuel and productive uses of energy in Busia and Bungoma Counties. The roadshows will include product awareness campaigns and exhibitions in selected market routes and centres. This is meant to allow for a more high-touch experience in the two counties in order to spur increased uptake of energy products and services which will in turn contribute to growth of the energy enterprises within the two counties of project implementation.

Scope and Deliverables of the of the Assignment

The Supplier will work under the guidance of the Practical Action Project Manager and the project team. The main objective of the roadshows is to increase consumer demand for fuel briquettes, fuel pellets, bio-ethanol fuel and productive uses of energy in Busia and Bungoma Counties.

The service provider will be expected to provide the following for the roadshow to be successful:

  • Vehicle – “Canter Size”
  • Entertainers – 2pax
  • PA System
  • MC

The roadshows shall cover the following market routes within Busia and Bungoma Counties:

BUSIA COUNTY (15th -17th March 2021)


Busia Town -Nambale -Mungatsi -Bukalanyi -Malanga-Lugulu -Oloo -Bar Ober- Back to Busia


Busia Town -Matayos -Ganjala -Sio Port-Budalangi-Bukoma-Port Victoria-Back to Busia Town


The roadshow caravan leaves Malaba town and traverses across the major market centers within Teso North and Teso South Sub Counties as follows:

Malaba -Amagoro -Kocholya-Angurai -Kolanya-Akichelesit -Osere City-Back to Busia

BUNGOMA COUNTY (18th -20th MARCH 2021)


Bungoma Town- Bulondo- Bumula- Malakisi- Changara -Lwakhakha -Back to Bungoma


Bungoma Town-Webuye- Kamukuywa- Cheptais Kapsokwony- Chemoge- Back to Bungoma Town


Bungoma Town- Chwele- Mukuyuni- Makunga- Mbakalo -Tongaren- Back to Bungoma Town

Timeframe of the Assignment

  • This assignment is expected to be implemented in a span of 6 days, planned as per the recommended market days.
  • Specific dates for each respective route will be shared to the successive bidder/Vendor.

Terms of Engagement

Payment for the assignment shall be done in three tranches as indicated below;

  • 100% payment will be remitted after successful completion of assigned task as per the Terms of Reference.
  • Payment will be subjected to all applicable Taxes.

Minimum Qualifications and experience

  • Vast experience in outdoor events.

How to apply

We invite qualified and interested Suppliers/bidders to submit the following by 2nd March 2021.

  • Profile, with relevant experience.
  • A tentative budget/Financial proposal.
  • At least three (3) references inclusive of their contacts from past clients.

To help us with our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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