UPD 1: On September 23, the MOM to tender RFP/016/21 was added, also extending the deadline for submission of proposals until Oct 6, 2021 18:00 (GTM+5) Tashkent time.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan.
Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 1, in preparing your Proposal.
Pre-proposal conference: Will be Conducted
Date: 20th of September 2021 at 15:00 (Tashkent time)
Venue: via Zoom
Link: https://undp.zoom.us/s/83475617676
Meeting ID:834 7561 7676
Passcode: 895677
Bidders who are interested in attending Pre-Bid conference must send notification in writing to pu.uz@undp.org by providing full name and contacts.
Proposals may be submitted on or before: September 29, 2021, 6:00 pm local time (Tashkent) via email, courier mail or fax to the address below:
United Nations Development Programme
Republic of Uzbekistan 4, Taras Shevchenko Street, Tashkent 100029
Tel: + 998 71 120-34-50, 120-61-67;
Fax: + 998 71 120-34-85
Procurement Unit, UNDP Uzbekistan
For email proposals: bids.uz@undp.org
In addition UNDP Uzbekistan would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the proposed assignment shall be accomplished by an International company in close collaboration with a Local company (which is to be contracted separately), since they are familiar with local laws and regulations and where the former will play a leading role. For more details, please see the TOR (terms of reference) for the Local law company.
Your Proposal must be expressed in the English language and valid for a minimum period of 120 calendar days after the date of Proposal submission.
In the course of preparing your Proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it reaches the address above on or before the deadline. Proposals that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. If you are submitting your Proposal by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.
The following must be on the subject of email with your quotation to be sent to bids.uz@undp.org:
RFP/016/21 – Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan
If you intended to submit your proposal by courier mail, consequently your proposal should be in sealed envelope with the following marking on envelope:
“TO: UNDP Uzbekistan
SEALED QUOTATION ref: RFP/016/21 – Development of legal and regulatory environment for Sukuk in Uzbekistan
DEADLINE: September 29, 2021, 6:00 pm local time (Tashkent)
Services proposed shall be reviewed and evaluated based on completeness and compliance of the Proposal and responsiveness with the requirements of the RFP and all other annexes providing details of UNDP requirements.
The Proposal that complies with all of the requirements, meets all the evaluation criteria and offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.
Any request for additional information or queries must be sent/addressed to Procurement Unit three business days prior to the deadline in writing to pu.uz@undp.org.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Proposal.
Sincerely yours,
UNDP Uzbekistan
Documents :Procurement Notice (Eng)
Bid submission form (Eng)
TOR of local company
MOM of pre-bid meeting UNDP Uzbekistan – UZBEKISTAN
To help us track our procurement effort, please indicate in your email where (ngotenders.net) you saw this tender/procurement notice.